
go for a picnic造句

go for a picnic造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:43:37


go for a picnic造句

  • 1、Would you like togo for a picnic with me?(你愿意和我一起去野餐嗎?)
  • 2、It's a nice day. Let'sgo for a picnic.(天氣不錯;咱們?nèi)ヒ安桶伞?
  • 3、Should it not rain, we wouldgo for a picnic tomorrow.(要是明天不下雨,我們就可以去野餐了。)
  • 4、Let'sgo for a picnic on Sunday, shall we?(讓我們星期天去野餐吧,好嗎?)
  • 5、If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we willgo for a picnic.(如果明天不下雨,我們將去野餐。)
  • 6、Let'sgo for a picnic.(讓我們?nèi)ヒ安桶伞?
  • 7、Let'sgo for a picnic by the riverside.(我們到河邊野餐去吧。)
  • 8、They willgo for a picnic next weekend.(他們下個周末將去野餐。)
  • 9、Could you tell me whether togo for a picnic?(你能告訴我是否會去野餐嗎?)
  • 10、We shallgo for a picnic this Sunday.(這周日我們將要去野餐。)
  • 11、I found an interesting place togo for a picnic.(我發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個有趣的野餐去處。)
  • 12、We oftengo for a picnic.(我們經(jīng)常去野餐。)
  • 13、If it rains next Sunday, we won'tgo for a picnic.(如果下周日下雨,我們就不去野餐了。)
  • 14、I shallgo for a picnic this Sunday.(這個周日我要去野餐。)
  • 15、The weather is marvelous. Let'sgo for a picnic.(天氣太棒了,我們出去野餐吧。)
  • 16、Let'sgo for a picnic tomorrow.(我們明天去野餐吧。)
  • 17、The plan that wego for a picnic has been cancelled.(我們出去野餐的計(jì)劃取消了。)
  • 18、If it were not raining, we shouldgo for a picnic.(如果現(xiàn)在不下雨的話,我們就出去野餐了。)
  • 19、Sometimes Igo for a picnic with her.(有時我和她去野餐。)
  • 20、My family willgo for a picnic next weekend.(下周末我們?nèi)乙ヒ安汀?
  • 21、We wished you couldgo for a picnic with us.(我們希望你能跟我們一起去野餐。)
  • 22、On weekends, I oftengo for a picnic with my friends.(在周末,我經(jīng)常跟朋友一起去野炊。)
  • 23、We'llgo for a picnic if it does not rain.(如果天不下雨,本周末我們將去野餐。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 24、They willgo for a picnic this weekend, won't they?(這個周末他們要去野餐,對嗎?)

go for a picnic基本釋義
