go on a trip造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:43:33


go on a trip造句

  • 1、I think I'm going togo on a trip with my brother to Argentina.(我想我會(huì)和我哥哥去阿根廷旅行。)
  • 2、Our family willgo on a trip next month and need a suitcase.(下個(gè)月我們?nèi)乙ヂ眯?,需要一個(gè)手提箱。)
  • 3、You can live in a hotel when yougo on a trip.(當(dāng)你去旅行時(shí)你可以住在一家賓館里。)
  • 4、You may get lost when yougo on a trip alone.(當(dāng)你獨(dú)自去遠(yuǎn)足時(shí),你也許會(huì)迷路。)
  • 5、Take a vacation.go on a trip.(度一個(gè)假期去旅行。)
  • 6、As the day was fine, they decided togo on a trip.(由于天氣好,他們決定作一次短途旅行。)
  • 7、If you're interested in traveling, there are a lot of things you should do before yougo on a trip.(如果你對(duì)旅游感興趣,有很多的事情你應(yīng)該在你去旅行之前做的。)
  • 8、This summer I willgo on a trip to Qingdao with my family.(這個(gè)夏天我將和我的家人去青島旅游。)
  • 9、I willgo on a trip to Shanghai.(我將要去上海旅行。) Hao86.com
  • 10、When will theygo on a trip?(他們什么時(shí)候去旅行?)
  • 11、Practice. Invite your friends togo on a trip.(同學(xué)練習(xí)邀請(qǐng)好朋友去旅行。)
  • 12、I might at leastgo on a trip to start.(可能我會(huì)先旅行一下吧。)
  • 13、go on a trip elsewhere and get away from your work and your life.(分開你的事情你的生活,去任何一個(gè)處所觀光。)
  • 14、new things together,go on a trip or try some thrilling activitiesto try to keep things fresh.(一起做沒(méi)有做過(guò)事,去旅行或者參加一些驚險(xiǎn)的活動(dòng),總之要時(shí)刻保持新鮮感。)
  • 15、I tend togo on a trip with my friends, maybe Yunnan or other wonderful places.(我比較想和朋友去旅行,也許去云南,也許是其他地方。)
  • 16、If it were not for the expense, I wouldgo on a trip.(如果不是費(fèi)用的問(wèn)題,我就去旅行了。)
  • 17、You should bring a camera if yougo on a trip.(假如您要去旅行,您應(yīng)該帶一臺(tái)相機(jī)。)
  • 18、I regularlygo on a trip.(我定期去旅行。)
  • 19、It would be better togo on a trip.(還是出去旅行會(huì)更好些吧。)
  • 20、We have not yet decided where togo on a trip and when to leave.(我們尚未決定去哪里旅行,也沒(méi)決定何時(shí)去。)
  • 21、Can wego on a trip to Canada?(我們能去加拿大旅行嗎?)
  • 22、If you want togo on a trip, it's necessary to take a map with you.(如果你想旅游,隨身攜帶一張地圖很有必要。)
  • 23、Tom is so annoying whenever wego on a trip, always hanging behind.(湯姆真討厭,每當(dāng)我們?nèi)ミh(yuǎn)足,他總是落在后面。)

go on a trip基本釋義

go on a trip

英 [ɡ?u ?n ? trip] 美 [ɡo ɑn e tr?p] 
