
go to extremes造句

go to extremes造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:43:25


go to extremes造句

  • 1、You should notgo to extremes.(你們不應(yīng)該走極端。)
  • 2、Work tips: without some positive energy, Scorpio cango to extremes.(工作:如果缺乏積極因素,蝎子可能走向極端。)
  • 3、Don't bother to spring-clean the whole house just because my mother coming-there's no need togo to extremes.(不必僅僅因?yàn)槲夷赣H要來而費(fèi)心徹底找掃整幢房子——沒有必要走極端。)
  • 4、Also called on people to others to have a universal love and compassion, do notgo to extremes.(同時(shí)呼吁人們對(duì)他人要有一個(gè)博愛和同情心,切勿走極端。)
  • 5、We should notgo to extremes and claim that all arranged marriages are failures.(我們不能走極端而認(rèn)為所有的包辦婚姻都是失敗的。)
  • 6、One must notgo to extremes in applying the principle of self-reliance.(不要把自力更生絕對(duì)化。)
  • 7、That just goes to show, when people want something, they willgo to extremes.(這件事表明,當(dāng)一個(gè)人渴望得到什么東西時(shí),他會(huì)走極端。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 8、He is liable togo to extremes.(他很容易走極端。)
  • 9、When it comes to physical cleanliness, people cango to extremes.(人對(duì)身體潔凈過度關(guān)注,就會(huì)走向極端。)
  • 10、They oftengo to extremes in their views.(他們?cè)诳捶ㄉ辖?jīng)常走極端。)
  • 11、Let's look at three interesting cases whereby wego to extremes.(我們看三個(gè)有趣的例子,我們要走極限。)
  • 12、But theygo to extremes every now and then and when they dogo to extremes you have to be prepared to act.(它們會(huì)時(shí)不時(shí)走向這樣或那樣的極端,當(dāng)極端開始出現(xiàn)的時(shí)候,你必須準(zhǔn)備行動(dòng)。)
  • 13、Nevergo to extremes, the right way are the Golden Mean, I think they should be group of pragmatic idealist.(兩者都不能走極端,正確的道路是中庸之道,我想他們是一些務(wù)實(shí)的理想主義者。)
  • 14、The astral configuration today encourages you togo to extremes.(今天的星體結(jié)構(gòu)會(huì)鼓勵(lì)走極端。)
  • 15、Time to take a break and make sure we don'tgo to extremes.(稍微休息一下,而且確保我們不會(huì)走到極端。)
  • 16、However, we should notgo to extremes and claim that all arranged marriages are failures.(然而,我們不能走極端,而且認(rèn)為所有的包辦婚姻都是失敗的。)
  • 17、Don'tgo to extremes in this thing.(在這件事上不要走極端。)
  • 18、But feminist theology tends togo to extremes and lacks of supporting theoretical achievements.(但女性主義神學(xué)研究也存在著過激之處,其在理論上的建樹還比較欠缺。)
  • 19、Some of us tend togo to extremes.(我們中的一些人傾向于走極端。)
  • 20、If the latter, there's no need togo to extremes and buy the biggest horse pills or the most expensive bottles.(如果是后者,就沒有必要走極端,買最大劑量的大藥片或最昂貴的瓶瓶罐罐。)
  • 21、Kathy willgo to extremes just to have people like her.(凱西會(huì)為了讓別人喜歡她而做出極端的事來。)
  • 22、Even in enjoyment nevergo to extremes.(即使在享樂方面,也不要走極端。)
  • 23、We should not criticize or condemn other countries without good reason orgo to extremes in our words and deeds.(不隨便批評(píng)別人、指責(zé)別人,過頭的話不要講,過頭的事不要做。)
  • 24、If you start bragging about your qualities, then too, yougo to extremes.(如果你開始夸耀你的優(yōu)點(diǎn),繼而,你會(huì)走極端。)
  • 25、She tends togo to extremes.(她這個(gè)人比較偏激。)
  • 26、Though sometimes wego to extremes where our children are concerned.(但有時(shí)我們會(huì)為了自己的孩子做出過分的事。)
  • 27、When escape seems useless, they tend togo to extremes by killing the victim directly.(當(dāng)逃逸無效的情況下,他們采取了更加極端的方式,就是直接剝奪受害者的生命.)

go to extremes基本釋義

go to extremes

走極端; 采取極端手段