
go sightseeing造句

go sightseeing造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:43:29


go sightseeing造句

  • 1、I heard that Thailand is a good place togo sightseeing.(我聽說泰國是一個不錯的觀光景點。)
  • 2、Would you like togo sightseeing with me tomorrow?(明天你愿意和我出去看看嗎?。)
  • 3、We'llgo sightseeing and shopping in Ginza.(我們會去觀光和在銀座購物。)
  • 4、Do theygo sightseeing?(有人去觀光旅游嗎?)
  • 5、I hear that Thailand is a good place togo sightseeing.(我聽說泰國是觀光的好地方。)
  • 6、B. The boy who likes swimming wants togo sightseeing.(那個喜歡游泳的男孩想去游覽。。)
  • 7、We are planning to go bike riding andgo sightseeing.(我們打算騎自行車兜風,觀光旅行。)
  • 8、Let'sgo sightseeing then.(那我們就去觀光吧。)
  • 9、Then you can'tgo sightseeing a lot.(那你就不能到處去觀光了。)
  • 10、I cango sightseeing in spring.(春天我可以去觀光。)
  • 11、Next week they willgo sightseeing.(下周他們將去觀光。)
  • 12、I have no chance togo sightseeing this summer.(今年夏天我沒有機會去觀光。)
  • 13、Passenger: No, I also want togo sightseeing.(乘客:不,我也想去觀光。)
  • 14、Do you give me some Suggestions about where togo sightseeing?(去哪里觀光你能給我一些建議嗎?)
  • 15、Why notgo sightseeing this Sunday?(為什么這個周日不去觀光呢?)
  • 16、Tourism also has a lot of good spots togo sightseeing.(旅游也擁有很多好的景點去觀光。) Hao86.com
  • 17、Want togo sightseeing?(想要去觀光嗎?)
  • 18、Would you like togo sightseeing tomorrow?(你明天想不想四處游覽?)
  • 19、I really needgo sightseeing there.(我真的需要去那里觀光旅游。)
  • 20、Would you like togo sightseeing this weekend?(請問這個周末想要去觀光一下嗎?)
  • 21、Would you like togo sightseeing with me?(你想和我一起去觀光嗎?)
  • 22、I hear that Luzhou is a good place togo sightseeing.(我聽說瀘州是一個觀光的好地方。)

go sightseeing基本釋義