
go straight造句

go straight造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:43:29


go straight造句

  • 1、You cango straight down this road.(你沿著這條路走下去。)
  • 2、Must Igo straight?(我必須直走嗎?)
  • 3、You have to turn right andgo straight.(你需要右轉再直走。)
  • 4、Turn left andgo straight on.(向左轉后請往前走。)
  • 5、go straight ahead, please.(請筆直走。)
  • 6、We justgo straight up the Boston Post Road.(我們就徑直沿著波士頓郵政大道走。)
  • 7、We willgo straight on, for we shall meet no one.(我們可以一直往前走,因為我們不會碰到任何人的。)
  • 8、go straight this way.(沿著這條路直走。)
  • 9、Turn right andgo straight on.(右轉彎然后一直走。)
  • 10、Can yougo straight?(你能直走嗎?)
  • 11、go straight on until a large red building.(一直往前走,直到你走到一座大紅樓面前。)
  • 12、Passengers with hand luggage cango straight to the departure gate to check in there.(攜帶手提行李的乘客可以直接到登機口辦理登機手續(xù)。)
  • 13、Let'sgo straight.(我們直走吧。)
  • 14、go straight on until you come to a large building.(直走走到一幢高大的建筑物為止。)
  • 15、go straight ahead and turn left at the first crossing.(直走,并在第一個十字路口左拐。)
  • 16、Justgo straight forward and you'll find the post office.(郵局就在前邊。)
  • 17、To reach that hotel, you have togo straight on the next street.(要到旅館,你就得沿下一條街直走。)
  • 18、You can onlygo straight on.(你只能筆直地向前。)
  • 19、They might know from the start that they want togo straight to the professional world.(他們可能一開始就知道自己要直接進入職場。)
  • 20、go straight, and you'll find it on the left.(徑直走,你會看到它就在你的左側。)
  • 21、I'llgo straight there.(我會直接去那兒。)
  • 22、It's green light, so you cango straight.(現(xiàn)在是綠燈,你可以直行了。) hAo86.com
  • 23、Where is the school, please?go straight on.(請問學校在哪里?直走。)
  • 24、go straight along here.(從這兒一直朝前走。)
  • 25、go straight on and turn left.(直走,然后向左轉。)
  • 26、go straight on, and in the evening you will arrive at a castle.(一直往前走,傍晚時你就會到達一座城堡。)
  • 27、go straight ahead, and you'll see it on your right.(往前走,你就可以看到它在右邊了。)
  • 28、go straight on and turn left, then you will find the toilet.(請直走,再向左轉,然后你會找到洗手間。)
  • 29、go straight for three minutes and you will see the supermarket.(直走三分鐘,你會看到超市。)
  • 30、go straight. It's on your left hand.(直走,它就在你的左手邊。)

go straight基本釋義

go straight

英 [ɡ?u streit] 美 [ɡo stret] 