
go to school造句

go to school造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:43:25


go to school造句

  • 1、go to school by Bus every morning.(我每天搭公車去上學。)
  • 2、In our class the studentsgo to school by school bus.(我們班大多數(shù)學生乘校車上學。)
  • 3、What a nuisance that I have togo to school!(我得去上學,真討厭!)
  • 4、Kids won'tgo to school.(孩子們將不會去上學。)
  • 5、How do yougo to school, on foot or by bike?(你怎樣去上學,步行還是騎自行車?)
  • 6、I want togo to school and study hard.(我想上學,努力學習。)
  • 7、Yes, so cool! Let'sgo to school together.(是的,太酷了!讓我們一起去上學吧。)
  • 8、How do yougo to school?Igo to school by school bus.(你怎么去學校?我去學校坐公共汽車。)
  • 9、She will have togo to school.(她將不得不去上學。)
  • 10、You've got togo to school, whether you like it or not.(不管你喜歡不喜歡,你得上學。)
  • 11、You cango to school when you are 6 years old.(你6歲的時候就可以上學了。)
  • 12、No kid shouldgo to school hungry.(任何孩子都不應該餓著肚子去上學。)
  • 13、You mustn'tgo to school.(你不可以去上學。)
  • 14、He can'tgo to school.(他不能去上學。)
  • 15、He forced him togo to school.(他強迫他去上學。)
  • 16、Always wego to school on foot.(我們總是步行上學。)
  • 17、Some children can read and write before theygo to school.(有些孩子在上學前就會看書寫字了。)
  • 18、I don'tgo to school. I want to go shopping.(我沒有去上學,我想去購物。)
  • 19、In some countries children learn to print when they firstgo to school.(在有些國家,兒童剛上學時學習用印刷體書寫。)
  • 20、Theygo to school by bike.(他們經(jīng)常騎自行車去上學。)
  • 21、I mustgo to school.(我要去上學。)
  • 22、I alwaysgo to school by bus.(我總是坐公共汽車上學。)
  • 23、The rulers would not let girlsgo to school then.(當時的統(tǒng)治者是不允許女孩子上學。)
  • 24、It takes me twenty minutes togo to school on foot.(步行去學?;宋叶昼?。)
  • 25、Why do you want togo to school?(你為什么想去上學?)
  • 26、Should hego to school, or should he follow the pipes?(他應該去上學,還是應該跟著管道走?)
  • 27、Do you like togo to school by bike?(你喜歡騎自行車上學嗎?) hAo86.com
  • 28、I get sick if Igo to school.(我一去上學,就渾身不舒服。)
  • 29、Theygo to school by bus.(他們乘公共汽車去上學。)
  • 30、One morning, I didn't want togo to school, and decided to feign illness.(一天早上,我不愿去上學,就決定裝病。)

go to school基本釋義

go to school

英 [ɡ?u tu: sku:l] 美 [ɡo tu skul] 

動詞上學; 求學