give out造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:43:49


give out造句

  • 1、Scientists have found that all kinds of plantsgive out VOCs when being attacked.(科學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn),各類(lèi)植物受到攻擊時(shí)都會(huì)發(fā)出揮發(fā)性有機(jī)化合物。)
  • 2、With donations at more than 100 bears a year, Fredette and volunteers host activities every year, where volunteers not onlygive out the bears, but also clothing, meals, and other things.(每年都會(huì)收到100多只捐贈(zèng)的玩具熊,弗蕾德特和志愿者們每年都會(huì)舉辦活動(dòng),志愿者們不僅分發(fā)玩具熊,還分發(fā)衣服、食物和其他東西。)
  • 3、When Posting to an email list or bulletin board, do notgive out your main email address.(當(dāng)發(fā)郵件到郵件列表或電子公告欄時(shí),不要公布你的主要郵件地址。)
  • 4、give out candies or cards.(分發(fā)糖果和賀卡。)
  • 5、"Now I can'tgive out cards at school," David said sadly.(“現(xiàn)在我不能在學(xué)校分發(fā)卡片了?!贝笮l(wèi)悲傷地說(shuō)。)
  • 6、A lot of retailers out there are embarrassed by the receipts theygive out and the whole payment processing aspect of their business.(很多零售商都對(duì)他們發(fā)出的收據(jù)和整個(gè)付款流程感到尷尬。)
  • 7、Japanese people may bow and evengive out their business cards to greet others, but they dislike it when you just put the cards in your pocket without looking.(日本人打招呼時(shí)可能會(huì)鞠躬,甚至向?qū)Ψ竭f名片,但他們不喜歡你不看一眼就把名片放在口袋里。)
  • 8、Does your managementgive out anything resembling a genius grant?(你們的上司給你們派發(fā)過(guò)類(lèi)似的天才獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)嗎?)
  • 9、The jade accouterments on her collide with each other, andgive out a tinkling sound.(她身上的玉石飾物互相碰撞發(fā)出玲玎的響聲。)
  • 10、I know that there is absolutely no need togive out definitions of a true friend.(我認(rèn)識(shí)到?jīng)]有必要給真正的朋友下定義。)
  • 11、Do notgive out your credit card info unless it is a secure site.(不要泄露你的信用卡信息除非是在一個(gè)安全的網(wǎng)站。)
  • 12、Could yougive out a few of your loudest, most painful screams?(你能最大聲最痛苦地尖叫幾聲嗎?)
  • 13、It sounds arrogant, but it is the truth: I do not feel I have given out even part of what I cangive out.(這聽(tīng)起來(lái)很自大,但這是事實(shí):我覺(jué)得我沒(méi)有付出我能付出的,哪怕一部分。)
  • 14、If you do have a home phone, don’tgive out the number. Use your cell phone.(不要給對(duì)方家庭電話,給他/她手機(jī)號(hào)碼就行。)
  • 15、Theygive out a lot of beads from the float.(他們從花車(chē)上發(fā)送很多珠珠。)
  • 16、Over the next week, make it a point togive out at least twenty-five compliments.(在接下來(lái)一個(gè)星期里,堅(jiān)持至少發(fā)出25次問(wèn)候。)
  • 17、Only evergive out your public key, never your private key.(你只能給別人公鑰,千萬(wàn)別給別人私鑰。)
  • 18、I'd love togive out tablets, but I only have so much capital budget.(我很想開(kāi)發(fā)平板電腦,但是我只有這么多資金預(yù)算。)
  • 19、He wouldn'tgive out any information.(他不會(huì)宣布任何消息。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 20、When posting an email to an email list or bulletin board, do notgive out your main email address.(當(dāng)發(fā)郵件到電子郵件列表或公告欄時(shí),不要公布你的主要郵件地址。)
  • 21、Togive out the awards, stage a brief ceremony in a public place.(頒獎(jiǎng)時(shí),在一個(gè)公共場(chǎng)所舉行簡(jiǎn)短的儀式。)
  • 22、Don'tgive out personal information like home phone Numbers and addresses on a first date.(第一次約會(huì)的時(shí)候不要把個(gè)人信息比如家里的電話號(hào)碼給人家。)
  • 23、Don'tgive out that information to people you don't know (and most people you do know)!(不要向你不了解的人(甚至大多數(shù)你了解的人)透露你的這些信息!)
  • 24、He helps his friend togive out the crayons.(他幫朋友把蠟筆分發(fā)下去。)
  • 25、In other words, it appears that their mindsgive out before their bodies do.(換句話說(shuō),他們的大腦似乎比身體先衰竭。)
  • 26、Don't want togive out too much, view it as competitive.(不想交代太多,就把它看作是競(jìng)爭(zhēng)吧。)
  • 27、If they are going to read, why notgive out copies of the lecture?(如果他們要閱讀,為什么不把講稿分發(fā)出去呢?)
  • 28、But then, why should itgive out information for nothing?(但是,為什么它能無(wú)償提供信息?)

give out基本釋義

give out

英 [ɡiv aut] 美 [ɡ?v a?t] 