
green tea造句

green tea造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:42:59


green tea造句

  • 1、The most populargreen tea is Longjing tea produced near the West Lake.(最受歡迎的綠茶是產(chǎn)于西湖附近的龍井茶。)
  • 2、Is thisgreen tea? Yeah.(這是綠茶嗎?是的。)
  • 3、And he is often forced to sell his purple tea for the same price asgreen tea leaves.(而且他經(jīng)常被迫以與綠茶葉相同的價格出售紫茶。)
  • 4、Would you like somegreen tea?(你想喝點綠茶嗎?)
  • 5、It is made of crude organic sun solarizedgreen tea.(這采用有機原生曬青綠茶精制而成。)
  • 6、We havegreen tea, black tea, and jasmine tea.(我們有綠茶、紅茶和茉莉花茶。)
  • 7、She orders agreen tea, and I choose espresso.(她點了綠茶,我點了黑咖啡。)
  • 8、I likegreen tea while she prefers black tea.(我喜歡綠茶而她更喜歡紅茶。)
  • 9、It was not long beforegreen tea could be bought from the market.(不久綠茶就可以從市場上買到。)
  • 10、Eatinggreen tea?(吃綠茶?)
  • 11、I lovegreen tea.(我喜歡綠茶。)
  • 12、Do you stockgreen tea?(你們的庫存有綠茶嗎?)
  • 13、I prefergreen tea to black tea.(我喜歡綠茶而不喜歡紅茶。)
  • 14、Trygreen tea.(嘗試綠茶。)
  • 15、Powderedgreen tea mille-feuille as dessert was something very special.(粉狀的綠茶千層醬作為甜點是非常特別的。)
  • 16、You can choose black tea orgreen tea.(你可以選擇紅茶或綠茶。)
  • 17、Drinkgreen tea.(常飲綠茶。)
  • 18、Agricultural workers ingreen tea fields near Mount Kenya are gathering the tea leaves.(肯尼亞山附近的綠茶地里,農(nóng)業(yè)工人們正在采摘茶葉。)
  • 19、Do you want black tea orgreen tea?(你要紅茶還是綠茶?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 20、Which one do you prefer, black tea orgreen tea?(您想要紅茶還是綠茶呢?)
  • 21、green tea is EVERYWHERE.(綠茶無處不在。)
  • 22、Add a slice of lemon to yourgreen tea.(在綠茶中加入一片檸檬。)
  • 23、I'd like to buy somegreen tea.(我想買一些綠茶。)
  • 24、Every time you eat a sweet, drinkgreen tea.(你每吃一顆糖,就要喝一杯綠茶。)
  • 25、Sushi is usually consumed with hotgreen tea.(壽司往往和熱乎乎的綠茶一起搭配食用。)
  • 26、Tea used for milk tea isgreen tea.(用于制作奶茶的茶是綠茶。)
  • 27、green tea can even help prevent tooth decay!(綠茶甚至能幫助預(yù)防蛀牙!)
  • 28、Approximately 30 compounds including methyl salicylate have been identified in the aroma ofgreen tea.(約有30種化合物已從綠茶的香氣中鑒別出來,其中包括水楊酸芐酯。)

green tea基本釋義

green tea

英 [ɡri:n ti:] 美 [ɡrin ti] 

名詞綠茶; 清茶