grind up造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:42:55


grind up造句

  • 1、Wegrind up the wheat to make flour.(我們把小麥磨成面粉。)
  • 2、Some packaged juice cleanses contain considerable amounts of sugar, leading some proponents togrind up their own fruit and vegetable concoctions at home.(有些包裝好的排毒化果汁含有大量的糖份,這使得一些推崇者在家榨取屬于他們自己的果蔬混合物。)
  • 3、The study of university stage with grow up grind more to practise my will, have raised my mastery!(大學(xué)階段的學(xué)習(xí)與成長(zhǎng)更加磨練了我的意志,提高了我的修養(yǎng)!)
  • 4、Earthwormsgrind up the soil as they eat.(蚯蚓進(jìn)食時(shí)把土壤弄細(xì)。)
  • 5、Although, this process is very painful, wild goose the south fly to grind teeth to hold up.(雖然,這個(gè)過(guò)程非常痛苦,但雁南飛不得不咬牙支撐。)
  • 6、In considering chemical resistance, it is not enough togrind up the entire plant and look for allomones against insect pests.(在研究化學(xué)抗性時(shí),研碎全株并尋找抗蟲的利已激素是不夠的。)
  • 7、Technicians thengrind up the leaves to extract the protein.(然后技術(shù)人員將研磨樹葉,析出蛋白質(zhì)。)
  • 8、This text makes a deep delicate analysis to BJ1027 pick up tyre leaning-grind.(本文針對(duì)BJ1027皮卡輪胎偏磨這一問題,進(jìn)行了深入細(xì)致的分析研究。)
  • 9、After a few days, technicians snip off the plant's leaves, grind them up and purify the antibody.(數(shù)天后,技術(shù)人員剪下樹葉,磨碎,純化抗體。)
  • 10、Machinists set up and operate a variety of machine tools to cut or grind metal, plastic or other materials to make or modify parts or products with precise dimensions.(機(jī)械師設(shè)置和操作各種機(jī)床,切割或研磨金屬,塑料或其他材料來(lái)制作或修改精確尺寸的零件或產(chǎn)品。)
  • 11、The problem with the second option is that if you don’t wake up early, you again end up in the daily grind where you may not get focus.(但第二個(gè)方法的問題是,如果你起來(lái)得不是很早,你終將面對(duì)日?,嵥榈氖挛?,那么你又不能集中精力了。)
  • 12、We normallygrind up a leaf or a root and average the information for all cells, but if sugar levels rise in one cell and drop in another, we would see no change in this average.(我們通常將植物的根和葉碾成粉末,然后平均所有細(xì)胞的成份,但是如果在單個(gè)細(xì)胞糖水平升高和降低,我們將從平均水平上是看不出來(lái)的。)
  • 13、First the big, accessible parts are removed, along with anything dangerous, and then heavy-duty shreddersgrind up the remainder into tiny pieces that can be sorted by standard recycling equipment.(首先拆下大的、可利用的和危險(xiǎn)部分,然后重型粉碎機(jī)將其余部分磨碎,回收設(shè)備再按標(biāo)準(zhǔn)分類回收。)
  • 14、They swallow stones, stones that are used to helpgrind up the food before it's actually digested in the stomach.(它們吞下石頭,在食物在胃里消化之前,這些石頭被用來(lái)幫助磨碎食物。)
  • 15、Some sneaky cat owners actuallygrind up pills for their feline and put the powder on cheese or butter to get them to ingest the medicine.(一些精明的貓主人會(huì)將藥片先磨碎,將藥粉撒在奶酪或黃油上讓貓吃下去。)
  • 16、After I perform, I hope the audience is excited, inspired, and taken away from their everyday grind or work. Perhaps even inspired enough to get up and dance themselves.(演出過(guò)后,我希望觀眾是激動(dòng)的,深受鼓舞的,從日常辛苦的工作中解脫出來(lái)的。最好他們可以激動(dòng)地從座位上站起來(lái),舞起來(lái)。)
  • 17、In this paper a new grinding method, using small cylindrical face grinding wheel to grind straight outline hourglass worm, is put forward and the mathematical model is set up.(本文提出了用小圓柱面砂輪磨削直廓環(huán)面蝸桿的新方法,建立了數(shù)學(xué)模型。)
  • 18、Sadly, with the daily grind of hardware issues and application problems, support personnel can be run ragged trying to keep up.(可惜的是,在日常的硬件問題和應(yīng)用程序問題的折磨之下,支持人員在精疲力盡地想要跟上變更的步伐。)
  • 19、Constituting the magnetic circuit with three pieces of permanent magnet to make up the magnetic grinding device which is used to grind small flat of parts.(用三塊永磁鐵組成磁路制成磁力研磨裝置,用于零件的小面積研磨。)
  • 20、It's a constant grind, so there's not a lot of time to keep up with each other.(這是一個(gè)不斷研磨的地方,所以沒有太多的時(shí)間來(lái)與對(duì)方保持聯(lián)系。)
  • 21、Set up, adjust and operate single-function machines to mix, drill, grind and cut concrete to specifications in the manufacture of concrete products.(安裝,調(diào)整和操作單功能機(jī)混合,鉆,磨,切割混凝土以達(dá)到混凝土產(chǎn)品的制造規(guī)格。)

grind up基本釋義

grind up

英 [ɡraind ?p] 美 [ɡra?nd ?p] 

