
grocery store造句

grocery store造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:42:54


grocery store造句

  • 1、You can get one in thegrocery store over there.(那邊的那家雜貨店有賣。)
  • 2、What do you want from thegrocery store, Karen?(凱倫,你要在食品雜貨店買什么?)
  • 3、You don't have to hit thegrocery store daily, nor do you need an abundance of cooking skill.(你不必每天去雜貨店,也不需要很高的烹飪技能。)
  • 4、We happened to see John in thegrocery store.(我們在雜貨店里遇見約翰。)
  • 5、Later, he also worked at his grandfather'sgrocery store.(后來,他還在他祖父的雜貨店工作。)
  • 6、Yesterday I was in thegrocery store.(昨天我在雜貨店。)
  • 7、The common prescription is to primarily shop thegrocery store, since that's where fresh produce, meat and seafood, and dairy are.(通常的做法主要是在雜貨店進(jìn)行購物,因?yàn)槟抢镉行迈r的農(nóng)產(chǎn)品、肉類、海鮮和奶制品。)
  • 8、Thatgrocery store stays open until ten o'clock.(那間雜貨店?duì)I業(yè)到十點(diǎn)。)
  • 9、Head to your local Japanese or Asiangrocery store and grab some nori.(去你當(dāng)?shù)氐娜毡净蛘邅喼薜碾s貨店買一些海苔。)
  • 10、On their own, taking our own bags to thegrocery store or quitting plastic straws, for example, will accomplish little and require very little of us.(比如,自己帶購物袋去雜貨店,或者停止使用塑料吸管,這樣做的效果和要求都很低。)
  • 11、Do you want anything from thegrocery store?(你要從雜貨店買點(diǎn)什么?)
  • 12、People don't just go in a localgrocery store and buy these supplements.(人們不會去當(dāng)?shù)仉S便一家雜貨店買這些補(bǔ)品。)
  • 13、They run a smallgrocery store.(他們經(jīng)營一家小食品雜貨店。)
  • 14、My mum shops at thegrocery store.(我媽媽在雜貨店買東西。)
  • 15、I do not hunt. I go to thegrocery store.(我不打獵,我只是去雜貨店。)
  • 16、I think I've seen it before in agrocery store.(我想我曾在一家雜貨店門口遇見過這類事情。)
  • 17、I'll swing by thegrocery store on my way.(我會路過去趟雜貨店。)
  • 18、There's a fantasticgrocery store nearby.(在這附近有一家很棒的雜貨店。)
  • 19、I bought it at thegrocery store.(我在食品雜貨店買的。)
  • 20、Today, you can find protein supplements everywhere—online or at the pharmacy,grocery store or health food store.(今天,你可以在網(wǎng)上、藥店、雜貨店或保健食品店等任何地方找到蛋白質(zhì)補(bǔ)充劑。)
  • 21、Guess who I met at thegrocery store.(猜猜看我在雜貨店遇到誰了。)
  • 22、And thisgrocery store held so many sweet memories.(而這個食品雜貨店有很多甜美的回憶。)
  • 23、This is agrocery store.(這是一家雜貨店。)
  • 24、Often, when thegrocery store is empty and all you can hear is the buzzing of flies.(當(dāng)雜貨店里空無一人的時候,你所能聽到的常常只有蒼蠅的嗡嗡聲。)
  • 25、Since I started working part-time at agrocery store, I have learned that a customer is more than someone who buy something.(自從我開始在雜貨店兼職以來,我明白了顧客不只是買東西的人。)
  • 26、A 16-year-old asked a stranger at agrocery store to buy him and his mother some food in exchange for carrying the man's groceries to his car.(一名16歲的少年在雜貨店向一名陌生人請求,給自己和母親買一些食物。作為交換,他幫陌生人把買的東西搬到他車上。)
  • 27、She walked to the localgrocery store to buy broken biscuits which were much cheaper and to get a free bone for her much loved dog.(她走到當(dāng)?shù)氐碾s貨店買了一些更便宜的碎餅干,并為她心愛的狗狗弄到了一根免費(fèi)的骨頭。)
  • 28、Agrocery store was a place where you told the clerk behind the counter what you wanted and he fetched it for you.(當(dāng)時,在這樣的小雜貨店里你需要什么東西就跟柜臺后面的售貨員說一聲,他會幫你拿。)
  • 29、She hopped on her bike and rode to the nearestgrocery store to see what she could find that didn't include plastic.(她跳上自行車,騎到最近的雜貨店,看看能不能找到不含塑料的東西。)
  • 30、Thegrocery store is closed.(雜貨店關(guān)門了。) hao86.com

grocery store基本釋義

grocery store

英 [?gr??s?ri: st?:] 美 [?ɡros?ri st?r] 
