
gold rush造句

gold rush造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:43:19


gold rush造句

  • 1、There has since been the bureaucratic equivalent of agold rush.(這樣就引發(fā)了一撥官方激發(fā)的淘金熱。)
  • 2、Even the San Quentin prison, built during thegold rush and housing the state’s death row, may go.(就算是建于淘金熱時(shí)期,現(xiàn)在關(guān)押著加州死囚的圣昆汀監(jiān)獄也榜上有名。)
  • 3、Which just happens to be the next Californiagold rush?(加州的下一場(chǎng)淘金熱在哪?)
  • 4、It might seem like these firms are raking in easy profits, but ironically, the extreme increase in speed means thegold rush is slowing.(這好像此類公司正在輕松的大量斂財(cái),但是很諷刺,速度的極度增長(zhǎng)意味著淘金潮正在放緩。)
  • 5、It will surely increase noticeably over the next five years, though will remain much smaller than it was in thegold rush era.(它將肯定在今后的5年會(huì)有增長(zhǎng)顯著,盡管不如淘金熱時(shí)代goldrushera。)
  • 6、TheDenverNuggets: The city of Denver, Colorado, arose during agold rush in 1859.(丹佛掘金者隊(duì)位于科羅拉多州的丹佛市,是在1859年的淘金熱中崛起的。)
  • 7、The Californiagold rush happened at the beginning of last century.(加利福尼亞淘金熱出現(xiàn)在上世紀(jì)初。) haO86.com
  • 8、Because of these success stories, many technology observers have deemed the mobile app opportunity a digitalgold rush.(因?yàn)檫@些成功的故事,很多科技業(yè)的觀察家都認(rèn)為手機(jī)應(yīng)用程序的機(jī)遇是個(gè)數(shù)碼版的淘金熱。)
  • 9、This extraordinary picture shows the animal world's equivalent of agold rush - the quest for the fruit of the argan tree.(這張別具一格的照片表明動(dòng)物世界里也有“淘金熱”——“金子”是樹上的摩洛哥堅(jiān)果。)
  • 10、Goldfield was a leading gold mining hub in the 1850s after the Californiagold rush subsided, according to Rob Feldman, a local historian.(18世紀(jì)50年代,當(dāng)加州淘金熱退去后,由于戈德·菲爾德當(dāng)?shù)貧v史學(xué)家羅布·菲爾德曼的發(fā)現(xiàn),成為最主要的金礦聚集地。)
  • 11、At Lindeman a group of French - Canadians was living out a reality-show recreation of thegold rush.(在林德曼,一群法裔加拿大人的表演重現(xiàn)了采金熱時(shí)代的生活。)
  • 12、That sparked a soft-gold rush by sea.(這一發(fā)現(xiàn)引起了海上尋找軟金子的熱潮。)
  • 13、"It's like agold rush right now," says Mr Lin.(這就象是現(xiàn)在的淘金熱,“林先生說?!?
  • 14、We feel like lonely prospectors, who, returning to a favourite stream, find it overtaken by agold rush.(我們感到像一個(gè)孤獨(dú)的探礦者,我們返回最喜歡的河流,趕上了一場(chǎng)淘金熱。)
  • 15、Getgold rush fever in Kalgoorlie or swim from the snow-white beaches of Esperance.(在卡爾·古利體驗(yàn)淘金熱,或在埃斯佩蘭斯雪白色的海灘游泳。)
  • 16、"People are now focusing on the emerging world, with a bit of agold rush going on," says Graham Allan, CEO Yum Restaurants International.(“現(xiàn)在,人們聚焦于新興國(guó)家,有點(diǎn)淘金熱的感覺?!卑偈⒉惋媷?guó)際CEO格雷厄姆·艾倫說。)
  • 17、Thegold rush continues.(淘金熱還在繼續(xù)進(jìn)行中。)
  • 18、The world already knew that, a few hours before, his latest picture, Thegold rush, had been shown in a Hollywood cinema house.(而就在幾個(gè)小時(shí)之前,全世界已經(jīng)知道了他的最新影片《淘金記》在好萊塢上映的消息。)
  • 19、The Californiagold rush, the construction of railroads and a growing pioneer spirit all contributed to the expansion of the "wild west."(加州淘金熱、鐵路的建造、日益增長(zhǎng)的拓荒精神都為向“蠻荒西部”擴(kuò)張做出了貢獻(xiàn)。)
  • 20、But some observers are already wondering how long thegold rush can last.(但是有些觀察家已經(jīng)開始懷疑,這次淘金潮將能持續(xù)多久。)
  • 21、This kicked off a mathematicalgold rush.(這引發(fā)了數(shù)學(xué)的淘金熱。)

gold rush基本釋義

gold rush

英 [ɡ?uld r??] 美 [ɡold r??] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):gold rushes
