
golden eagle造句

golden eagle造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:43:19


golden eagle造句

  • 1、Then,golden eagle came out, lonely chanted among my palm prints.(然后,金雕出現(xiàn),在我的掌紋間孤獨歌吟。)
  • 2、If you're lucky, a splendidgolden eagle may soar into view.(幸運的話,一只金色雄鷹會躍入視線。)
  • 3、There is agolden eagle sculpture in the church. Many strange instruments on the wall and they can make very big noise. There are many seats for people to rogation under the platform.(教堂里有個金鷹像,墻上還有很多奇怪的樂器,它們可以發(fā)出很大的聲音,在演講臺下有很多供人們祈禱的座位。)
  • 4、The fact that thegolden eagle usually build its nest on some high cliffs renders it impossible to obtain the eggs or the young birds .(事實上,金鷹通常把巢筑在很高的懸崖上,要獲得鳥蛋或幼鳥幾乎是不可能的。)
  • 5、Hunters in Kazakhstand use tamegolden eagles to catch foxes. The liver of the fox is given to the eagle as a reward.(Kazakhstand的獵人們靠馴服的金雕獵取狐貍,抓到獵物后狐貍的內(nèi)臟被作為金鷹的犒賞。)
  • 6、As a result, South Korea's T-50golden eagle aircraft suffered a second defeat, following a loss last year in a trainer jet competition in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).(最終,韓國的“T-50金鷹飛機”遭到了第二次失敗,這是繼去年在阿拉伯聯(lián)合酋長國(uae)的噴氣教練機競爭中失敗后的再次失敗。)
  • 7、The fact that thegolden eagle usually builds its nest on some high cliffs renders it almost impossible to obtain the eggs or the young birds.(金雕通常在高高的懸崖上筑巢,這使得金雕幾乎不可能得到鳥蛋或幼鳥。)
  • 8、Examples include thegolden eagle and the sturgeon. Both are occasionally seen in England but no longer breed here.(例子便是鷲(goldeneagle)和鱘魚(sturgeon),這兩種生物還時不時地在英格蘭地區(qū)出現(xiàn),但是已經(jīng)不在該區(qū)域繁殖了。)
  • 9、A lamb was seen headbutting agolden eagle who was trying to grab it, according to the Outer Hebrides bird report of 2009.(根據(jù)外赫布利斯群島地區(qū)2009年的鳥類觀測報告,曾有人看到一只羊羔用頭部撞向一只試圖抓住它的金雕的情景。)
  • 10、Bokonbayevo, Kyrgyzstan, October 18, 2008 — a Kazakh hunter releases hisgolden eagle during a competition in this town 186 miles (300 kilometers) from the capital of Bishkek.(吉爾吉斯斯坦,Bokonbayevo,2008年10月18日——在這個距離首都比什凱克186英里(300公里)的小鎮(zhèn),一個哈薩克獵人在比賽中放飛手中的金雕。)
  • 11、Due to star in TV series in 1985, "Xu" was the third TVgolden eagle Award for Best Actor.(1985年因主演電視劇《徐悲鴻》獲第三屆電視金鷹獎最佳男主角獎。)
  • 12、Billed as the world's most luxurious train ride, thegolden eagle Trans-Siberian Express will take some beating.(現(xiàn)在你可以有更輕松的選擇:乘坐“金鷹穿越西伯利亞快車”,據(jù)稱這是世界上最豪華的火車旅行。)
  • 13、'golden eagle machinery, the Elite machinery Enterprise'. The brand new workshops and office of our factory are embosomed in the hills, which makes an excellent surrounding.(“金鷹機械,機械精英”,企業(yè)廠房和辦公樓一撮簇新,群山環(huán)抱,環(huán)境優(yōu)美,加工設(shè)備齊全,設(shè)計和制造技術(shù)力量雄厚。)
  • 14、After the baptism of two years, thegolden eagle Award had finally completed the first transformation by the end of 2010.(歷經(jīng)兩年時間的洗禮,金鷹獎在2010年底終于完成第一次蛻變。)
  • 15、Worked as defendant'sgolden eagle not to be able to acknowledge again naturally resisted to sell.(當(dāng)了被告的金鷹自然不會再承認(rèn)拒售。)
  • 16、The big department stores include the Brilliant Plaza, Huidu Ginko, thegolden eagle (Department Store) and so on.(大的商場有柏聯(lián)、匯都金格、金鷹百貨等。)
  • 17、Agolden eagle is seen during the opening day of an international falconry fair in Guillena, Spain.(西班牙圭萊娜的國際獵鷹集市的開幕第一天,人們得以見到一只真正的金鷹。)
  • 18、Sun has won the Plum Blossom Prize, thegolden eagle Prize and the Flying Goddess Award for Best Actor.(孫海英曾獲梅花獎、金鷹獎和飛天獎的最佳男演員。)
  • 19、Previous winters like Li Xuejian, were awarded with the Best Performing Artist. This was his thirdgolden eagle Award Since 1991.(著名演員李雪健則獲得“最佳表演藝術(shù)獎”,這也是他自1991年以來所獲得的第三個金鷹節(jié)獎項。)
  • 20、golden eagles are native to Scotland. However, farmers are more concerned by the reintroduction of the only bigger British bird, the white-tailed eagle.(蘇格蘭當(dāng)?shù)乇緛砭头植加薪鸬瘛^r(nóng)場主門更擔(dān)心的是白尾雕的重新引進(jìn),這種雕是英國唯一比金雕體型更大的鳥類了。)
  • 21、Four types of VIP CARDS are offered by Kunminggolden eagle Shopping Center: the Platinum card, the Gold card, the Silver card and the co-brand card.(昆明金鷹購物中心VIP卡設(shè)白金卡、金卡、銀卡、中銀-金鷹聯(lián)名卡(以下簡稱聯(lián)名卡)四種。)
  • 22、Welcome togolden eagle Summit Hotel …(昆明金鷹廣場酒店歡迎您!) [hao86.com好工具]

golden eagle基本釋義

golden eagle

英 [?ɡ?uld?n ?i:ɡl] 美 [?ɡold?n ?iɡ?l] 
