
grand total造句

grand total造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:43:06


grand total造句

  • 1、Third, Hillary had billed Madison for agrand total of twenty-one hours of legal work at the Rose Law Firm over a two-year period.(再次,在兩年的時(shí)間里,希拉里為羅斯律師事務(wù)所代表麥迪遜儲(chǔ)貸銀行處理法律事務(wù)總共只有21小時(shí)的律師工作時(shí)間。)
  • 2、Agrand total of a few minutes spent in the outside world, even when the weather is good.(即使外面的天氣很好,總共也只花了幾分鐘在戶外。)
  • 3、Complete agrand total of 12 missions (including "Outbreak").(完成全部任務(wù)中的至少12個(gè)任務(wù)。(包括“暴走”。))
  • 4、My small contribution was lost in thegrand total.(在巨大的總額中小得幾乎看不見。)
  • 5、Last time I was here agrand total of three days all right?(上一次…我在這里只待了三天,明白嗎?)
  • 6、Thegrand total of outside forest assistance, including the World Bank’s, is only US$1.7 billion, he said.(他說,主要的外部森林援助,其中包括世界銀行的援助,只有17億美元。)
  • 7、Vadump (and Task Manager) count Shared memory in thegrand total Working Set for every process that USES it.(對(duì)于使用共享內(nèi)存的每個(gè)進(jìn)程,vadump(和TaskManager)把共享內(nèi)存都計(jì)算在GrandTotalWorkingSet之內(nèi)。)
  • 8、Totals: Gives the totals for each expense category and agrand total .(費(fèi)用貓??倲?shù):為每個(gè)費(fèi)用種類和一個(gè)總計(jì)給總數(shù)。)
  • 9、Give us thegrand total number of ways the cube could be painted, including the ones we list here.(請(qǐng)給出涂成的不同立方體的個(gè)數(shù),包括這里列出的這幾個(gè)。)
  • 10、In Figure 6, the pivot table shows each of the accounts, their size totals, and agrand total at the end.(在圖6中,pivot表展示了每一個(gè)account、它們的大小total,最后還有一個(gè)grandtotal。) hAo86.com
  • 11、Note that in truly normalized fashion thegrand total was never stored in the order itself.(注意,在正常的情況下,總數(shù)決不會(huì)存儲(chǔ)在訂單本身當(dāng)中。)
  • 12、Two fourth-quarter drives netted agrand total of 21 yards.(第4節(jié)的兩次擊球總計(jì)獲得了21碼。)
  • 13、FYI: Walton appeared in agrand total of 49 career tournament games.(供參考:沃爾頓在職業(yè)生涯中總共參加了49場(chǎng)錦標(biāo)賽的比賽。)
  • 14、You have agrand total of 45 seconds.(你總共只有45秒。)
  • 15、The feckless Yukio Hatoyama, who stepped down on June 2nd, managed agrand total of 259 days.(鳩山由紀(jì)夫一事無成,他于6月2日宣布辭職,在任共259天。)
  • 16、Wholeheartedly with colleagues at home and abroad to establish a permanent relationship,grand total Fair.(竭誠(chéng)與國(guó)內(nèi)外同行建立永久的合作關(guān)系,共展宏圖。)
  • 17、These are easy projects that take agrand total of minutes to complete.(這些都是很容易做的事,只須要幾分鐘去完成。)
  • 18、There will be a total of 25 slots to create stadiums giving you agrand total of around 50 possible stadiums.(總共有25個(gè)插槽創(chuàng)造球場(chǎng)給你的大約50個(gè)可能的體育場(chǎng)。)
  • 19、The sizes are then shown for each account, then the sizes are totaled for each genre, and finally agrand total is shown.(然后展示了每個(gè)account的sizes,再就是每個(gè)genre的sizes匯總,最后顯示總計(jì)。)
  • 20、See whether thegrand total of pleasures is greater than thegrand totals of pain.(看快樂的總數(shù),是否大于痛苦的總數(shù)。)
  • 21、That makes agrand total of 26 trips when they forecast rain, of which just 8 will prove correct.(加起來,共有26次預(yù)報(bào)有雨,其中8次是準(zhǔn)確的。)
  • 22、It added another $11.8 million to the take, for agrand total of $43 million.(它又增加了1180萬美元的營(yíng)業(yè)收入,總計(jì)為4300萬美元。)
  • 23、Thegrand total: six pairs of shoes, which I think seems like a lot for a minimalist.(總數(shù):六雙鞋,我想這看起來對(duì)一個(gè)極簡(jiǎn)主義者來說有點(diǎn)多。)
  • 24、This sticking point would affect agrand total of, say, ten players.(而這個(gè)糾結(jié)點(diǎn)只會(huì)影響到攏共十名左右的球員。)

grand total基本釋義

grand total

英 [ɡr?nd ?t?ut?l] 美 [ɡr?nd ?totl] 

累計(jì); 總共,總計(jì),合計(jì); 總值
