
graduation ceremony造句

graduation ceremony造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:43:08


graduation ceremony造句

  • 1、After thegraduation ceremony, we were posed for pictures.(畢業(yè)典禮之后,我們擺好姿勢照了相。)
  • 2、Will your family be attending thegraduation ceremony?(你的家人要來參加你的畢業(yè)典禮嗎?)
  • 3、Are you ready for thegraduation ceremony?(你們?yōu)楫厴I(yè)典禮做好準備了嗎?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 4、Theegraduation ceremony is often in the school gymnasium.(畢業(yè)典禮通常在學校體育館舉行。)
  • 5、I had mygraduation ceremony.(我參加了畢業(yè)典禮。)
  • 6、Traditionally, college students hold agraduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they set off on their life journey.(按照傳統(tǒng),大學生在開始他們的人生旅程之前要參加畢業(yè)典禮以鼓勵自己。)
  • 7、Today it comes to yourgraduation ceremony.(今天,又到畢業(yè)聚會時。)
  • 8、Struggling for our dreams, as the principal addressed at thegraduation ceremony, offers us a sense of belonging.(正如校長在畢業(yè)典禮上所說,為夢想奮斗讓我們有了歸屬感。)
  • 9、Did you attend thegraduation ceremony yesterday?(你昨天參與卒業(yè)儀式了嗎?)
  • 10、Karen met Jasper after theirgraduation ceremony.(畢業(yè)典禮之后,凱倫遇到了賈斯珀。)
  • 11、I can't believe you missed your owngraduation ceremony.(我無法相信你竟然錯過自己的畢業(yè)典禮。)
  • 12、Could you please come to mygraduation ceremony next Wednesday?(下周三你能參加我的畢業(yè)典禮嗎?)
  • 13、Hey, Jasper! How excellent you are! We were all touched by your speech on thegraduation ceremony.(嘿,賈斯帕!你真是太優(yōu)秀了!你在畢業(yè)典禮上的講話讓我們都很感動。)
  • 14、Agraduation ceremony was also due to take place.(當時基地正舉行一場畢業(yè)典禮。)
  • 15、As the approachinggraduation ceremony, the sadness of departure hangs over the whole class.(隨著畢業(yè)典禮臨近,離愁別緒籠罩著整個班級。)
  • 16、The La Romana Tzu Chi School held its fourthgraduation ceremony.(拉羅馬那慈濟學校舉辦第四屆畢業(yè)典禮。)
  • 17、His parents attended hisgraduation ceremony.(他的父母參加了他的畢業(yè)典禮。)
  • 18、We assisted at thegraduation ceremony last Monday.(上周一我們參加了畢業(yè)典禮。)
  • 19、Four hundred guests attended thegraduation ceremony.(四百名來賓參加了畢業(yè)典禮。)
  • 20、When does thegraduation ceremony begin?(畢業(yè)典禮何時開始?)
  • 21、What the old headmaster said at thegraduation ceremony dwells in my mind.(老校長在畢業(yè)典禮上講的話一直留在我的腦海里。)
  • 22、The speeches ongraduation ceremony seemed long and tedious.(畢業(yè)典禮上的演講似乎冗長。)
  • 23、The students had to wear gowns atgraduation ceremony.(畢業(yè)典禮上學生必須穿禮服。)

graduation ceremony基本釋義

graduation ceremony

英 [?gr?d?u:?e???n ?serim?ni] 美 [?ɡr?d?u?e??n ?s?r??moni] 

