
hardly ever造句

hardly ever造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:42:24


hardly ever造句

  • 1、We looked through the literature. Ithardly ever happens, obviously.(我們縱觀整個(gè)文學(xué)史,顯然幾乎不可能發(fā)生。)
  • 2、Shehardly ever saw Peter there, for he did not come very often.(她在那兒幾乎沒見過彼得,因?yàn)樗怀怼?
  • 3、Wehardly ever go out.(我們幾乎從不出去。)
  • 4、Ihardly ever see people smoking as much even just out in about.(我?guī)缀鯊膩矶紱]有見到過的人們吸煙了。)
  • 5、In ordinary consciousness we arehardly ever present.(在通常的意識(shí)里,我們幾乎不關(guān)注當(dāng)下。)
  • 6、Is your spouse so jealous of or threatened by your friends and family that youhardly ever see them anymore?(你的配偶是不是對(duì)你的朋友和家人過于嫉妒或感到威脅,以至于你現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)基本上見不到他們了?)
  • 7、Ihardly ever go to concerts.(我很少去聽音樂會(huì)。)
  • 8、Before I could answer, my wife said, ohehardly ever drives.(我還沒來得及回答,我妻子就說:“他幾乎不開車?!?
  • 9、All the surveys found that people mixed up names within relationship groups such as grandchildren, friends and siblings buthardly ever crossed these boundaries.(所有的調(diào)查都發(fā)現(xiàn),人們?cè)趯O輩、朋友和兄弟姐妹等關(guān)系群體中會(huì)混淆名字,但很少會(huì)混淆這些群體以外的名字。)
  • 10、I thought him very sly; — hehardly ever mentioned your name.(我認(rèn)為他很調(diào)皮,因?yàn)樗麕缀鯖]有提起過你的名字。)
  • 11、Wehardly ever eat fish.(我們幾乎從不吃魚。)
  • 12、Theyhardly ever go back down.(很難瘦回來。)
  • 13、Last year, Ihardly ever went skateboarding.(去年我?guī)缀鯖]有滑過滑板。)
  • 14、Ihardly ever heard her singing.(我?guī)缀鯊奈绰犓^歌。)
  • 15、Newspapershardly ever report stories about peace and generosity.(報(bào)紙幾乎從不報(bào)道和平與慷慨的故事。)
  • 16、No,hardly ever, unless your explicit goal is to entertain only.(是的,永遠(yuǎn)不,除非你的直接目標(biāo)僅僅只為逗樂觀眾而已。)
  • 17、The brain takes shortcuts that work so well we arehardly ever aware of them.(大腦采用了行之有效的捷徑,我們幾乎從未意識(shí)到這件事。)
  • 18、In truth, water ishardly ever a catalyst in ordinary conditions.(而事實(shí)上,水在正常條件下從來也不是什么催化劑。)
  • 19、I want to say oysters, but Ihardly ever eat them.(牡蠣?但我很少吃它們。)
  • 20、We river-bankers, wehardly ever come here by ourselves.(我們這些河邊居民,很少自己到這兒來。)
  • 21、Ihardly ever worry now.(現(xiàn)在我很少擔(dān)心什么了。)
  • 22、Hehardly ever passes his exams.(他幾乎從來沒有通過考試。)
  • 23、He is a sturdy boy. Hehardly ever gets ill.(這孩子皮實(shí),輕易不鬧病。)
  • 24、Ihardly ever have to roll out.(我?guī)缀醵疾挥贸鲩T。)
  • 25、But ithardly ever is.(但是這樣的美夢(mèng)卻幾乎沒實(shí)現(xiàn)過。) haO86.com
  • 26、Hehardly ever speaks in India's boisterous parliament.(在印度喧囂不止的議會(huì)中,他很少言語。)
  • 27、He said hehardly ever went back to his village.(他說自己很少回到出生的村莊。)
  • 28、It meant a lot to him and I havehardly ever seen your dad cry.(這封信對(duì)他很有意義,而我?guī)缀鯖]見過你爸哭。)
  • 29、Hehardly ever plays video game.(他幾乎從不玩電腦游戲。)
  • 30、Shehardly ever exercises.(她幾乎從不鍛煉。)

hardly ever基本釋義

hardly ever

英 [?hɑ:dli ?ev?] 美 [?hɑrdli ??v?] 
很少; 幾乎從不; 難得