
have a toothache造句

have a toothache造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:42:14


have a toothache造句

  • 1、Ihave a toothache. I need to see a dentist.(我牙痛,我得去看牙醫(yī)。)
  • 2、I feel awful. I have a terrible toothache.(我難受極了,牙痛得要命。)
  • 3、Ihave a toothache, and have to go to the dentist's every other day.(我牙痛,必須每隔一天去看一次牙醫(yī)。)
  • 4、You alwayshave a toothache because you have eaten too many sweets and chocolate.(你總是牙痛是因?yàn)槟愠粤颂嗟奶呛颓煽肆Α?
  • 5、I ate too much candy and then Ihave a toothache.(我吃了太多的糖果,結(jié)果牙痛了。)
  • 6、You can't just laugh a toothache away. You'll have to see a dentist.(你光笑笑是治不好牙痛的。你必須去看牙醫(yī)生。)
  • 7、But if I have a bad toothache, I go to the dentist.(但如果我牙痛難忍,我會(huì)去看牙醫(yī)。)
  • 8、Ihave a toothache.(我牙痛。)
  • 9、I have a terrible toothache.(我的牙疼的很厲害。)
  • 10、Mr Croft: Yes, it is. It's very urgent. I feel awful. I have a terrible toothache.(克羅夫特先生:是的,很急。我難受極了,牙痛得要命。)
  • 11、I ate too much candy. Ihave a toothache.(我吃了太多的糖果。牙齒在痛哩。)
  • 12、When youhave a toothache, you immediately call the dentist.(當(dāng)你牙痛的時(shí)候要立即看牙醫(yī)。) haO86.com
  • 13、Different diseases, go and look for different doctors; if youhave a toothache, can never look for a woman to pour out words from your heart.(得了不同的病,就得去找不同的醫(yī)生;你要是牙疼,就不能去找女人傾訴衷腸。)
  • 14、Then, as I was flossing, my finger slipped, I heard a "crunch" from one of my teeth, and I now have a killer toothache.(只聽(tīng)得“嘎吱”一聲,我拿牙線勒壞了一顆牙——我擦,我痛得死去活來(lái)。)
  • 15、The forehead. Sometimes I alsohave a toothache.(前額部。有時(shí)牙齒也疼。)
  • 16、Tom, Ihave a toothache.(湯姆,我牙痛。)
  • 17、Doctor Smith, a patient is in the waiting room. She has a toothache. She doesn't have an appointment.(候診室里有一個(gè)病人。她患牙痛。她沒(méi)有事先預(yù)約。)
  • 18、Tom: Oh, I have a terrible toothache and I am going to see a doctor.(簡(jiǎn):那究竟是怎么回事???湯姆:我牙很痛,我得去看醫(yī)生。)
  • 19、I have got a headache. (stomachache, toothache, earacke)(我頭疼。)
  • 20、Do you oftenhave a toothache?(你經(jīng)常牙痛嗎?)
  • 21、I have a fever/headache/cold/toothache.(我發(fā)燒/頭疼/感冒/牙疼。)
  • 22、Well, suffer then. If youhave a toothache, you have to go to the dentist.(那么,你就忍著吧。如果你牙痛,你應(yīng)該去看牙醫(yī)的。)
  • 23、Why do I alwayshave a toothache?(我為什么總是牙痛?)
  • 24、If youhave a toothache, you have to go to the dentist.(如果你牙痛,你應(yīng)該去看牙醫(yī)。)
  • 25、You're making a mountain out of a molehill if you think that one twinge of toothache means that you must have several teeth extracted.(如果你認(rèn)為一次牙痛就意味著要撥去數(shù)顆牙的話,那你把問(wèn)題看得太嚴(yán)重了。)
  • 26、I said "you come back if we bothhave a toothache when we are not together."(我說(shuō)既然分開(kāi)兩個(gè)人都牙痛,那還是早點(diǎn)回來(lái)吧。)
  • 27、Ihave a toothache, and have to go to the dentist's (office) every other day.(我患了牙痛,必須每隔一天到牙醫(yī)那里去。)

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