
have a picnic造句

have a picnic造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:42:16


have a picnic造句

  • 1、Mrs Webb:Well, maybe we couldhave a picnic outside.(韋伯太太:嗯,也許我們能搞一次野餐。)
  • 2、At noon, everyone was glad tohave a picnic lunch.(中午,每個(gè)人都很高興有一個(gè)野餐午餐。)
  • 3、Every year peoplehave a picnic.(每年人們都要聚餐。)
  • 4、We neverhave a picnic.(我們從不去野餐。)
  • 5、We'llhave a picnic in the park.(我們將在公園野餐。)
  • 6、Maybe we couldhave a picnic.(或許我們可以搞野餐。)
  • 7、I'm excited tohave a picnic tomorrow.(明天要野餐,我感到很興奮。)
  • 8、We willhave a picnic in the zoo.(我們將要在動(dòng)物園舉行野餐。)
  • 9、Why nothave a picnic this afternoon?(今天下午去野餐怎么樣?)
  • 10、Shall wehave a picnic ? Yes. Why not ?(我們?nèi)ヒ安秃脝??好的。為什么不去呢?
  • 11、When will Maryhave a picnic?(瑪麗什么時(shí)候去野餐?)
  • 12、The next day we're at Yellowstone National Park, where wehave a picnic.(第二天,我們?cè)邳S石公園進(jìn)行了野餐。)
  • 13、have a picnic under a big tree.(在大樹下野餐;)
  • 14、Theyhave a picnic in the morning.(他們?cè)缟先ヒ安汀? 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 15、Let'shave a picnic!(我們?nèi)ヒ安桶桑?
  • 16、Really? But we are going tohave a picnic today.(真的嗎?但是我們今天要去野餐啊。)
  • 17、We'llhave a picnic!(我們將進(jìn)行一次野餐!)
  • 18、We'llhave a picnic again soon.(我們很快會(huì)再進(jìn)行一次野餐。)
  • 19、Would you like tohave a picnic with us?(你愿意和我們一起去野餐嗎?)
  • 20、Dad: After that, we willhave a picnic.(爸爸:之后,我們一起野餐。)
  • 21、We willhave a picnic this weekend.(這個(gè)周末我們將要去野餐。)
  • 22、have a picnic outside or on the living room floor.(在戶外或客廳野餐。)
  • 23、Will youhave a picnic?(你將要去野餐嗎?)
  • 24、We'llhave a picnic, too.(我們也將進(jìn)行一次野餐。)
  • 25、They willhave a picnic.(他們將要去野餐。)

have a picnic基本釋義

have a picnic

英 [h?v ? ?piknik] 美 [h?v e ?p?kn?k] 

