
have had it造句

have had it造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:42:08


have had it造句

  • 1、Ferguson may wellhave had it in mind to engineer a transition, but Ben Foster was undone when he had to justify his sound reputation by standing between the posts for United week after week.(弗格森也許已經(jīng)想好了過渡方案,但福斯特仍周復(fù)一周地站在曼聯(lián)的大門前,為自己的聲譽而正名。)
  • 2、Would it have helped if you'd had some training there?(如果你在那里培訓過,會有幫助嗎?)
  • 3、If it had been left to me I would have put him out on the street long ago.(換了我,早就把他趕出家門了。)
  • 4、If it had hit the Earth, it would have made a crater 100 miles across and thrown up an immense cloud of dust.(如果它撞上了地球,就會砸出一個100英里寬的大坑并揚起巨大的塵埃云團。)
  • 5、That's Google, that's Microsoft, that's Ask.com, a whole lot of people ... they shouldn'thave had it free all the time, and I think we've been asleep.(知道嗎,他們剽竊了我們的信息。”他說道,“Google、微軟、Ask.com以及其他所有的人,一直以來都不應(yīng)該免費獲得那些內(nèi)容!)
  • 6、If she had felt happy it would probably have lulled her to sleep.(如果她高興的話,這聲音說不定還能催眠。)
  • 7、Many will feel that corn farmershave had it pretty good.(很多人覺得玉米農(nóng)場主做得不錯。)
  • 8、An' ye had described it to me, ye couldhave had it three weeks ago.(要是你們告訴我的它的樣子的話,你們?nèi)齻€星期前就可以找到了。)
  • 9、She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.(她說如果她有機會再做一遍此事,她會雇一個新聞秘書。)
  • 10、Had Obama been white it would have been different.(假使奧巴馬是個白人,那么情況也許就不盡相同了。)
  • 11、We couldhave had it all(我們可以擁有這一切)
  • 12、The article had been authored by Raymond Kennedy. He read it right through, looking for any scrap of information that might have passed him by.(這篇文章是由雷蒙德·肯尼迪寫的。他從頭一直讀到尾,尋找任何可能遺漏的點滴信息。)
  • 13、I'm sure I'd have spotted him if it had been up to me.(要是換了我,我肯定已經(jīng)認出他了。)
  • 14、Describing her husband as "a born soldier" and "an inspiration", she said: "I know he led from the front and would nothave had it any other way."(在形容她的丈夫是一個“天生的戰(zhàn)士”以及一位“能夠激勵人心的人”時,她說:“我知道他一定會身先士卒,絕不會退縮?!?
  • 15、I didn't know I'd have to make a speech—I just had to wing it.(我不知道還得講話,只好想到什么就說點什么。)
  • 16、He took my place and got killed. It should have been me—that bullet had my name on it.(他坐了我的位子而送了命。死的應(yīng)該是我,那顆子彈是沖著我來的。)
  • 17、It clearly had four limbs that could have been used for walking.(它顯然有四肢,可以用于行走。)
  • 18、Had I written a newspaper, it would have been read!(如果我寫了一份報紙,就會有人讀了!)
  • 19、Some of those whohave had it for years will have had no idea until they started to get sick.(那些感染了多年的人中,有一部分人到他們開始發(fā)病才知道感染了病毒。)
  • 20、It used to be a pound but because we were making a bit of a loss we have had to increase it by 50p.(以前是一英鎊,但是因為我們虧損了一點,所以不得不增加了50便士。)
  • 21、If I had written the letter, I might have worded it differently.(如果是我寫這封信,我可能會措辭不同。)
  • 22、His face would have been handsome if it had not been so miserable.(如果他的表情沒有那么痛苦,那一定很英俊。)
  • 23、Therefore, if that ever had been present on Earth, it would have decayed ages ago.(因此,如果它曾經(jīng)在地球上存在過,那么它在很久以前就應(yīng)該衰變了。)
  • 24、I think one of those three shouldhave had it, really.(我認為那三個人更應(yīng)該擁有諾貝爾獎,說真的。)
  • 25、The credit card number is 3241 3578 6688. Ihave had it since 1999.(我那張卡的細節(jié)如下:這是一張萬事達卡,戶名是KennyGao,號碼是324135786688,我從1999年到現(xiàn)在一直在用著它,其有效期是1999-2008。)
  • 26、They would have reached the nursery in time had it not been that the little stars were watching them.(要不是那些小星星在看著他們,他們會及時趕到嬰兒室的。)
  • 27、But most Germans wouldn'thave had it any other way.(但是大多數(shù)德國人當時不會采取任何其他方法。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 28、Other solutions, like Alfresco's document manager,have had it for quite some time.(其他的解決方案,像Alfresco的文檔管理器(link)提供此功能已經(jīng)有段時間了。)

have had it基本釋義

have had it

英 [h?v h?d it] 美 [h?v h?d ?t] 
受夠了; 累極了; 完了; 沒用了