
have English class造句

have English class造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:42:11


have English class造句

  • 1、It's time tohave English class.(上英語課的時(shí)間到了。)
  • 2、Do youhave English class everyday?(你每天都有英語課嗎?)
  • 3、We do nothave English class today.(今天我們沒有英語課。)
  • 4、You have an English class.(你有一節(jié)英語課。)
  • 5、It's because wehave English class.(這是因?yàn)槲覀冇杏⒄Z課。)
  • 6、How many times in this class have I told you what the original Greek word of some particular word the English translation was?(我在課上給你們講了多少次,某些翻譯成英文的,希臘語原詞是什么了?) hAo86.com
  • 7、When do youhave English class?(你們什么時(shí)候上英語課?)
  • 8、I have to do my homework every day on weekdays, and Ihave English class on weekends.(在工作日我不得不每天都寫作業(yè),在周末我要上英語課。)
  • 9、I'llhave English class.(我要上英語課。)
  • 10、Did he agree you tohave English class?(他贊成你去上英語課嗎?)
  • 11、Did youhave English class today?(今天有英語課嗎?)
  • 12、Wehave English class on Monday?(我們周一有英語課。)
  • 13、Do youhave English class today?(你今天有英文課嗎?)
  • 14、Wehave English class in the classroom with two electric fans spinning overhead.(我們?cè)诮淌依锷嫌⒄Z課,頭頂上有兩個(gè)電扇在轉(zhuǎn)變著。)
  • 15、Wehave English class every day.(我們每天都上英語課。)
  • 16、We have an English class every Monday.(我們每個(gè)周一都上英語課。)
  • 17、We don't have any Chinese class on Thursday and we are having English class now.(我們星期四沒有中文課,現(xiàn)在我們正在上英語課。)
  • 18、Let's go on tohave English class.(我們繼續(xù)來上英語課。)
  • 19、Because wehave English class.(因?yàn)槲覀冇杏⒄Z課。)
  • 20、We were about tohave English class when a foreigner came in.(我們正要上英語課突然一個(gè)外國人進(jìn)來了。)
  • 21、When do wehave English class?(我們什么時(shí)候上英語課?)
  • 22、Ihave English class every day.(我每一天都有英語課。)
  • 23、Wehave English class once a week.(我們每周一次英語課。)
  • 24、A ninth grader could get a well-earned 100 in English class but still have a way to go before she writes as well as Jane Austen.(一個(gè)九年級(jí)的學(xué)生在英語課上可能很好地得到100分,但要達(dá)到簡·奧斯汀的寫作水平,她還有很長的路要走。)
  • 25、Ihave English class from two to four o 'clock.(我下午兩點(diǎn)至四點(diǎn)上英語課。)
  • 26、We have English, science, computer, and PE class.(我們有英語課、科學(xué)課、電腦課和體育課。)

have English class基本釋義