
hair salon造句

hair salon造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:42:40


hair salon造句

  • 1、hair salon workers exposed day in and day out to the chemical agents found in hair relaters and coloring agents.(發(fā)廊的工作人員每天接觸燙發(fā)水和染發(fā)劑中的化學物質。)
  • 2、The clubhouse with a swimming pool, gym, library, coffee house, laundry,hair salon.(配套設施會所內有游泳池,健身房,圖書館,咖啡間,洗衣間和美發(fā)室。)
  • 3、And a new study finds thathair salon workers are already in the habit of checking their customers for signs of skin cancer.(一項新的研究發(fā)現,美發(fā)沙龍的工作人員已經養(yǎng)成了為顧客檢查皮膚癌標志的習慣。)
  • 4、The owner's idea [was to] integrate music, art and other forms of cultural expression into ahair salon.(主人的想法則旨在將音樂、藝術和其他形式的文化表達融入理發(fā)沙龍內。)
  • 5、Yes, it's economically wise because you can save from expensive process that is being offered in a regularhair salon.(是的,從節(jié)儉的角度來說這是明智的,因為你可以省下去正規(guī)美發(fā)沙龍里染發(fā)的昂貴費用。)
  • 6、Ahair salon was just opened in our neighborhood.(我們小區(qū)新開了一家美發(fā)廳。)
  • 7、Williams came to China a year ago, and opened ahair salon in one of the malls.(威廉姆斯來到中國一年前,開了一家理發(fā)店的一個商場。)
  • 8、Let's say that you're at ahair salon and you have very fine hair.(假設你正在一家理發(fā)店,你有一頭非常漂亮的頭發(fā)。) Hao86.com
  • 9、A jewelry store offered free jewelry cleaning to clients of ahair salon.(一家珠寶店為一家美發(fā)沙龍的客戶提供免費的珠寶清潔服務。)
  • 10、So she takes me to thehair salon.(所以她帶我去美發(fā)沙龍。)
  • 11、Thehair salon is beside the Health Club.(美發(fā)中心在健康中心的旁邊。)
  • 12、She went to beauty school this summer and plans to seek work at ahair salon while selling her handmade jewelry.(她這個夏天去上了美容學校,打算在一家美發(fā)沙龍工作,同時賣她的自制首飾。)
  • 13、Xiukehair salon lies on Changzhou University Town.(秀客美發(fā)店位于常州大學城附近。)
  • 14、If it's ahair salon, notice the chemical aromas.(如果是一個理發(fā)店,注意化學香味。)
  • 15、Let's play thehair salon.(讓我們發(fā)揮發(fā)廊。)
  • 16、A blonde walks into ahair salon to get her hair cut wearing headphones.(金發(fā)女郎走進理發(fā)店,頭上戴著耳機。)
  • 17、Facilities: Swimming Pool, Tennis Court, Fitness Club, Barberque Pit,hair salon, Function Room and Grocery Shop.(設備:泳池,網球場,健身室,烤肉區(qū),美發(fā)院,多元用途室與雜貨店。)
  • 18、I went to ahair salon in London the other day.(前幾天我去了倫敦的一家發(fā)廊。)
  • 19、The owners also opened ahair salon and will open a cafe.(畫廊主人還開了一家理發(fā)店,以后還打算開一家咖啡屋。)
  • 20、LIFE is now easier for Andile Mbatha, who owns ahair salon in Soweto.(對在索韋托擁有一家美發(fā)沙廊的AndileMbatha來說,生活現在容易了許多。)
  • 21、You need to go to ahair salon. I can introduce my hair dresser to you.(你需要去發(fā)廊,我可以介紹我的發(fā)型設計師給你。)
  • 22、These include ahair salon, a 72-hole golf course and a children's playroom.(這其中包括有;美發(fā)廊。72洞的高爾夫球場和小孩游樂室。)
  • 23、You have to go to a professionalhair salon to make a new hairstyle as soon as possible.(你要盡快到專業(yè)的美發(fā)店去做個新發(fā)型。)
  • 24、I am thinking about going to ahair salon as well. I look stupid with my hair like this.(我也正想去發(fā)廊,我頭發(fā)這樣看起來真的很傻。)

hair salon基本釋義