
had better(do)造句

had better(do)造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:42:42


had better(do)造句

  • 1、On the other hand, if you need to purchase a landscape stone, had better do some research first, make design scheme.(另一方面,如果你需要購買景觀石,最好先做些研究,制定設計方案。)
  • 2、But if we go back to 9 per cent interest rates, those funds had better do something quickly.(但如果利率回到9%,這些基金最好盡快做點什么。)
  • 3、He said, rather hurtfully, that he had better things to do than come and see me.(他相當刻薄地說,來看我還不如去干別的事。)
  • 4、If a business wants to sell its products internationally, it had better do some market research first.(如果一個企業(yè)想在世界范圍內銷售其產品,最好事先作好市場調查。)
  • 5、If one wants something done well he had better do it himself.(如果一個人要把事情做好,最好自己去做。)
  • 6、'Richard Hannay, 'I told myself, 'you have made a mistake, and you had better do something about it.(我暗暗對自己說:“理查德·哈內,這回你錯了,最好想辦法改過吧?!?
  • 7、“I remember thinking I had better do this quickly, ” said Ms. Levi who lived in New York then and now lives in Rome.(列維夫人說。當時她住在紐約,現(xiàn)在住在羅馬。)
  • 8、Do you wish (that) you had a better job?(你希望有個更好的工作嗎?)
  • 9、He had better do some research!(他最好作一下調查。)
  • 10、When Sharon Stone reprised her role in "Basic Instinct" without Michael Douglas, it seemed as if Mr Douglas had better things to do, whereas Ms Stone was left harking back to former glories.(莎朗·史通在沒有邁克爾·道格拉斯的情況下重新出演她在“本能”里的角色。這看上去好像道格拉斯找到更好的事做,而史通則被留在原地,不得不重溫往日榮耀。)
  • 11、He thought over what he had better do.(他想了想他最好怎么辦。)
  • 12、They had better feel toilsome first. I do not hesitate it.(一開始肯定會覺得疲累,不過那是好事,所以我一點也不猶豫。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 13、But, as a teenager, I had "better" things to do than hang out at the airport.(但是,作為一名十幾歲的少年,我還有比在機場閑逛更“好”的事情要做。)
  • 14、I had better tell somebody what it's supposed to do.(我最好告訴人家它應該做什么。)
  • 15、The young men had nothing better to do than brawl in the streets.(那些年輕人除了在街上打架外沒更好的事干。)
  • 16、I had hoped that we would do better this time.(我曾期望這次我們能做的更好。)
  • 17、You had better not do that.(你最好不要這樣做。)
  • 18、They also had to do a better job at planning ahead and streamlining work, which in some cases resulted in improved client service, based on interviews with clients.(他們還必須更好地進行提前規(guī)劃,簡化工作程序,從對訪問客戶的結果看,這種情況有時帶來客戶服務的改善。)
  • 19、My job was to do the thing I was hired to do, and my boss had assets that could help me do the job better.(我的工作是做好我的本職工作,而我的老板有條件幫助我將工作完成得更好。)
  • 20、The cleanness had better do easily and must rest assured there is no remaining in the cooling system after finishing.(應使清潔工作盡可能簡單,而且不應有清潔后的殘留物留在冷卻系統(tǒng)中。)
  • 21、It was how he looked at things you showed him, or what he said or didn't say in a few words, that made you know you could do better, that you had to do better.(當你把東西拿給他看的時候,他說出來的幾個字,或者根本不用說,就讓你知道自己還能做得更好,也必須做得更好。)
  • 22、But the next time we saw her she was still alive and had redoubled her efforts to do better next time.(但當我們又一次見到她時,她還活著,正在為下一次做得更好而加倍努力。)

had better(do)基本釋義