hand out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:42:33


hand out造句

  • 1、She did nothand out leaflets door to door like the rest of the group.(不像其他同伴那樣挨家挨戶地去分發(fā)傳單;) Hao86.com
  • 2、Bring copies of your resume and cover letter tohand out to the interviewers.(準備簡歷以及求職信的副本,呈遞給面試官。)
  • 3、Mary put herhand out of the window and held it in the sun.(瑪麗把手伸出窗外,放在陽光下。)
  • 4、One of my jobs was tohand out the prizes.(我的工作之一是分發(fā)獎品。)
  • 5、You all come up here tohand out the papers.(都把論文交到前面來吧。)
  • 6、The parentshand out red - dyed eggs, symbolizing happiness and the renewal of life.(宴會上父母會給客人吃紅雞蛋,象征幸福和生命的延續(xù)。)
  • 7、He came forward with hishand out. "Mr. and Mrs. Selby?" he said.(他伸著手走上前來,“塞爾比先生和夫人吧?”他說。)
  • 8、We will alsohand out the final paper instructions next time in class.(下節(jié)課我們還會把期末論文指導,發(fā)給你們。)
  • 9、Hold your ownhand out in front of you, and imagine those feet poking through your fingers.(把你自己的手放在前面,想象下夾在你手縫里的一雙小腳丫。)
  • 10、Her family canhand out all of her professional publications at the wake.(這也警醒她的家人盡快整理出版她的專著。)
  • 11、Salespeoplehand out hundreds of dollars' worth of samples each week—$7.2 billion worth of them in one year.(銷售人員每周分發(fā)價值數(shù)百美元的樣品——一年中它們的價值達到72億美元。)
  • 12、Take a deep breath in through your nose, and let your belly push yourhand out.(用鼻子深吸一口氣,然后讓腹部推起你的手。)
  • 13、hand out tasks that best suit individual team members, and set them loose.(向各個團隊成員分配最適合他們的任務,并讓他們自由發(fā)揮。)
  • 14、Back home, teachers wouldhand out Mac laptops for kids to work on in class.(在家里,老師們會發(fā)給孩子們蘋果筆記本來完成課堂上的任務。)
  • 15、Younger members of the crowdhand out hugs like Halloween candy.(人群中的年輕人則隨意互相擁抱,好像在萬圣節(jié)發(fā)糖一樣隨便。)
  • 16、Pulling herhand out, she found a small leather book.(抽出來一看,是一個小巧的皮本。)
  • 17、He pulls hishand out of her mouth.(他將手從她的嘴里抽出來。)
  • 18、But China does nothand out free lunches, and Europe has no right to expect any.(但中國并不提供免費午餐,歐洲也沒有權利期待任何施舍。)
  • 19、I wouldhand out tasks.(我會分發(fā)任務。)
  • 20、Today the country's nationalists rule the roost andhand out the jobs.(如今這個國家的民族主義者掌握大權,分派那些工作。)
  • 21、They said that excellent companies actively look for excuses tohand out rewards.(他們在書中說道卓越公司積極尋找理由去分發(fā)獎金。)
  • 22、Council officershand out warning leaflets to men each weekend.(委員會官員每個周末向人們散發(fā)警告?zhèn)鲉巍?
  • 23、You canhand out sliced oranges to thirsty kids.(你可以給口渴的孩子們發(fā)些切成片的橙子。)

hand out基本釋義

hand out

英 [h?nd aut] 美 [h?nd a?t] 