
Happy Birthday!造句

Happy Birthday!造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:42:27


Happy Birthday!造句

  • 1、To my loving husband: Happy birthday.(給我親愛的丈夫:生日快樂。)
  • 2、Happy birthday, Peter! Bill likes reading.(生日快樂,彼得!比爾喜歡閱讀。)
  • 3、They say happy birthday to John.(他們對約翰說生日快樂。)
  • 4、A cake with candles means "Happy birthday".(插著蠟燭的蛋糕意味著“生日快樂”。)
  • 5、Happy birthday. This is for you.(“生日快樂,這是給你的”。)
  • 6、Do you know that the "Happy Birthday to You" song is the first song sung in outer space?(你知道嗎?“祝你生日快樂”這首歌是在外太空唱的第一首歌。)
  • 7、Happy Birthday!(生日快樂!)
  • 8、Brady: Happy Birthday James.(布雷迪:生日快樂,詹姆斯。)
  • 9、Happy Birthday Papa Chan!(陳爸爸生日快樂!)
  • 10、Happy birthday, sweetheart.(生日快樂,親愛的。)
  • 11、We all crowded into her office to sing 'Happy Birthday'.(我們?nèi)加窟M(jìn)她的辦公室,唱“祝你生日快樂”。)
  • 12、The cake had 'Happy Birthday' piped on it.(蛋糕上裱了“生日快樂”的字樣。)
  • 13、I wished her a happy birthday.(我祝她生日快樂。)
  • 14、Happy birthday and have a happy day.(生日快樂,祝你擁有高興的一天。)
  • 15、Happy birthday to you! We love you!(生日快樂!我們愛您!)
  • 16、Happy birthday to me!(祝我生日快樂!)
  • 17、May fatherHappy Birthday!(愿父親生日快樂!)
  • 18、Happy birthday to a great friend.(祝一個(gè)了不起的朋友生日快樂!)
  • 19、Today he turns 21 years of age.Happy Birthday!(今天是他21歲的生日,祝他生日快樂!)
  • 20、May your dreams come true! Happy birthday to you.(愿你夢想成真,生日快樂!)
  • 21、Happy Birthday, Uncle Frank!(富蘭克大叔,生日快樂!)
  • 22、Today is my birthday. When I go home after school, I find a big cake in front of me, then my mother and father say happy birthday to me.(今天是我的生日。當(dāng)我放學(xué)回家,我發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)大蛋糕在我面前,然后我的媽媽和爸爸對我說生日快樂。)
  • 23、I was very surprised when all of my friends crowded into my room to say happy birthday to me.(當(dāng)我所有的朋友涌入我的房間跟我說生日快樂的時(shí)候,我感到很驚喜。)
  • 24、I opened the box and saw a piece of crystal snowflake and a greeting card with "Happy Birthday" in the blank paper.(我打開盒子并看見在白紙中有一片水晶雪花和一張寫著“生日快樂”的賀卡。)
  • 25、Happy Birthday! The same to you.(生日快樂!你也一樣。)
  • 26、Please tell him happy birthday.(轉(zhuǎn)告他生日快樂。)
  • 27、Let's sing 'Happy Birthday'. All together now!(咱們來唱“生日快樂”?,F(xiàn)在一起唱!)
  • 28、Wish me a happy birthday today!(今天祝我生日快樂!)
  • 29、Hey, happy birthday to you.(嘿,祝你生日快樂!) Hao86.com

Happy Birthday!基本釋義