
handsome salary造句

handsome salary造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:42:31


handsome salary造句

  • 1、His job provide a veryhandsome salary.(他們的工作薪酬十分可觀。)
  • 2、His job probides a veryhandsome salary.(他的工作的薪酬十分可觀。)
  • 3、Finally, some people take these examinations to be certificated not for the sake of promotion orhandsome salary, but just to display their talents and capability.(一些人參加這類考試不是為了晉升或是為了好工資,而是僅僅為了展示他們的才華和能力。)
  • 4、May I ask, do you get ahandsome salary?(你的收入怎么樣,我可以問問嗎?)
  • 5、Moreover, at that time a famous international corporation was inviting me to be the PA of their general manager of China, the salary the offered was quite handsome, a temptation to me.(而且當時一家在全球赫赫有名的跨國公司想聘我做中國區(qū)總經(jīng)理的PA。薪酬和待遇非??捎^,我蠢蠢欲動。)
  • 6、The manager was hired at ahandsome salary.(這個經(jīng)理被高薪聘用。對比一下通常。)
  • 7、His job provides a veryhandsome salary.(他的工作薪水很不錯。)
  • 8、He was more or less penniless except for thehandsome salary he drew as private pilot to His Highness Prince Ali Yusuf.(他除了擔任阿里·優(yōu)素福親王殿下的私人飛機駕駛員所得的豐厚薪水,他幾乎是不值一文。)
  • 9、No, people usually don't get ahandsome salary for an average job as a clerk.(不,作為職員的人通常是不會有令人滿意的工資的。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 10、There are elements of a sharp hero/sidekick inversion here: Kato is the handsome, brilliant inventor and karate expert; Britt is, well, rich enough to pay the salary of someone like Kato.(在這里,超級英雄和小配角之間有一點角色倒置:加藤相貌英俊、擅長創(chuàng)造發(fā)明、空手道高超;布里特只是個有錢的繼承人而已。)
  • 11、B:Oh, so-so. They won't offer ahandsome salary for an average job.(一般吧.一般性的工作他們不肯給高工資的)
  • 12、For my present job, I have lots of things to do every day, so feel so busy, but there is nothandsome salary.(對于我現(xiàn)在的工作,每天有很多事去做,所以感到非常的忙,但是沒有可觀的報酬。)
  • 13、Yes. In a company with potentiality, you can expect new opportunities for career advancement,handsome salary and other material success which ensure comfortable life.(當決定是否接受一份工作時,你覺得公司的發(fā)展?jié)摿χ匾獑幔浚槭裁???
  • 14、People hope that things will be better, they will get a salary increase, they will find the handsome man they are looking for and so on.(人們總是希望事情更加完美,他們希望得到提薪,希望找到理想的英俊男人等等。)
  • 15、I get ahandsome salary here, but I'm not happy.(她說:“我在這有一個非常好很可觀的收入,但我并不快樂。”)

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