
here and now造句

here and now造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:41:50


here and now造句

  • 1、Practicing gratitude teaches you that the greatest gifts are always available to youhere and now!(感恩練習(xí)教導(dǎo)你,你在此時(shí)此地就能擁有最偉大的禮物。)
  • 2、Living in thehere and now without resorting to old patterns and automatic reactions.(不用依仗過去的生活模式和自動(dòng)反應(yīng)來生活。)
  • 3、We begin to live the nonviolent vision, righthere and now.(我們現(xiàn)在馬上就可以開始依非暴力理想生活。)
  • 4、This is what the poor give us, not only in the afterlife but alreadyhere and now.(這就是貧窮人所給予我們的,不僅在后世,現(xiàn)在,這里,處處都有。)
  • 5、Shift from "here and now" thinking to eternal thinking.(從此時(shí)此地'的想法轉(zhuǎn)為永恒'的想法。)
  • 6、Focus on the present; learn to live in thehere and now.(活在當(dāng)下,學(xué)著生活在當(dāng)下。)
  • 7、People might focus on living for the moment, valuing thehere and now.(人們可以更多的關(guān)注當(dāng)下的生活。)
  • 8、The light that provides love and security is available to youhere and now.(提供愛與安全的光芒在此時(shí)此刻對(duì)你們已經(jīng)垂手可得。)
  • 9、Noticing new things puts you emphatically in thehere and now.(觀察新事物使你著重于此時(shí)此地。)
  • 10、But let it end,here and now.(但是,這一切必須到此為止,馬上結(jié)束。)
  • 11、This makes it more difficult to concentrate on thehere and now.(這使得他們現(xiàn)時(shí)更難全神貫注。)
  • 12、I ask youhere and now to feel my energy, to feel that my energy is available to all of you.(我請(qǐng)求你們?cè)诖藭r(shí)此刻感受我的能量,感受我的能量已經(jīng)為你們所有人準(zhǔn)備好。)
  • 13、I'm a practising physician trying to help peoplehere and now.(我眼下是一名盡力幫助別人的專業(yè)醫(yī)師。)
  • 14、So, the key ishere and now we can have a look at the typical room of this "hotel".(所以拿著鑰匙,我們現(xiàn)在可以參觀一下這家旅館獨(dú)特的房間。)
  • 15、If you are awake, if you are present in the moment,here and now, you too are a Buddha.(如果此時(shí)此地,你是覺照的,活在當(dāng)下這一刻的,你也是佛。)
  • 16、We get poorer,here and now.(我們現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)變得一貧如洗了。)
  • 17、Let's finally address that omissionhere and now.(讓我們現(xiàn)在來補(bǔ)上這一段吧。)
  • 18、Not paying attention to thehere and now just means we're placing our attention somewhere else.(不留意此時(shí)此刻意味著我們將注意力放在其他地方。)
  • 19、There was no life beyond, he had contended; it washere and now, then darkness everlasting.(他曾主張死后區(qū)沒有生命,生命只在此時(shí)此地,然后便是永恒的黑暗。)
  • 20、It was supposed to be funhere and now it's not.(在這里工作應(yīng)該很開心,可現(xiàn)在我們不開心。)
  • 21、The long journey to cut carbon dioxide emissions can start in thehere and now.(削減二氧化碳的漫漫長(zhǎng)路現(xiàn)在就可以開始了。)
  • 22、As I have discovered in college, when my hands are busy, my mind stays focused on thehere and now.(就像我在大學(xué)時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)的那樣,當(dāng)我的手忙著做事時(shí),我的思想就能集中在此時(shí)此地。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 23、Heaven and hell existhere and now, within your own mind.(天堂和地獄此時(shí)此地存在你的思想里。)
  • 24、here and now, finally now.(此時(shí),此刻,終于。)
  • 25、That is, language is abstract enough that we can talk about things that aren't presenthere and now.(也就是說,語言是足夠抽象的,以至于我們所講的東西可以是此時(shí)此刻并不在場(chǎng)的事物。)
  • 26、If you have been avoiding the decision-making process, why not break through that barrier righthere and now?(如果一直以來你總是想要避開做決策的過程,那為何不此時(shí)此刻就突破那個(gè)障礙呢?)
  • 27、Who could resist a pay cheque in thehere and now for deferred immortality in the hereafter?(此時(shí)此地,誰能抗拒能夠用現(xiàn)金支票換取將來名垂千古?)
  • 28、Live in thehere and now.(活在當(dāng)下。)
  • 29、THEhere and now are defined by astronomy and geology.(這兒和現(xiàn)在是被天文學(xué)和地質(zhì)學(xué)定義的。)

here and now基本釋義

here and now

英 [hi? ?nd nau] 美 [?h?ri ?nd na?] 

此時(shí)此地; 當(dāng)前, 此刻; 就此