
here and there造句

here and there造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:41:50


here and there造句

  • 1、He often runshere and there.(他經常到處跑。)
  • 2、Five little bunnies hide the eggshere and there.(五只小兔子到處藏著蛋。)
  • 3、Pinocchio searchedhere and there and everywhere, and finally discovered him hiding near a farmer's wagon.(皮諾喬到處找,最后發(fā)現(xiàn)他藏在一輛農夫的馬車旁邊。)
  • 4、So how do you squeeze an extra hourhere and there?(所以如何在各處擠出額外的一小時?)
  • 5、I do a bit of teachinghere and there.(我在各處教些書。)
  • 6、As soon as they went in, they lookedhere and there and everywhere but saw no one.(他們一進去,到處看了看,但一個人也沒看見。)
  • 7、here and there, husbands sit in wordless despair.(丈夫們四下坐著,默默無語,非常絕望。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 8、The idea is to save a few wattshere and there.(這個辦法就是在這或那節(jié)省一些電量。)
  • 9、Small tweakshere and there do not last for long.(各處的小調整不會持續(xù)太久。)
  • 10、She wore a dress of blue cashmere, with small reservations of velvethere and there, and with steel buttons abounding.(她穿了一件藍色開士米羊絨連衣裙,有些地方還保留著少量的天鵝絨,還有許多鋼扣。)
  • 11、here and there a drift across the road was wet and slushy.(路上有零零散散的積雪,滿是泥濘。)
  • 12、After deductionshere and there, there isn't much left.(這扣一點那扣一點之后,就所剩無幾了。)
  • 13、The company would benefit from a little pruninghere and there.(公司如能處處精簡一點,必將獲益。)
  • 14、I have a couple of houseshere and there.(我在各處有幾套房子。)
  • 15、The children are bouncinghere and there.(孩子們到處蹦蹦跳跳。)
  • 16、Great tongues of flame shot uphere and there.(火舌四張。)
  • 17、Grandmama would quietly listen and explain somethinghere and there, making it more beautiful than before.(奶奶靜靜地聽著,不停解釋著,使它比以前更美好了。)
  • 18、He wanderedhere and there in the city, hardly noticing where he was going, or what was happening around him.(他在城里東游西蕩,幾乎不知道自己要去哪兒,也不知道周圍發(fā)生了什么事。)
  • 19、Only a few gruntshere and there.(只能偶爾咕嚕一些語句。)
  • 20、Their hair dropshere and there.(他們的頭發(fā)掉得到處都是。)
  • 21、Others I picked in articleshere and there.(我在這里和那里挑選了幾篇共大家參考。)
  • 22、Papers were scatteredhere and there on the floor.(地板上到處散落著文件。)
  • 23、Derricks are scatteredhere and there on the boundless plain.(在一望無際的原野上散布著一座座井架。)
  • 24、When people cough or sneeze, the germs spread widely, landinghere and there.(當人們咳嗽或打噴嚏時,細菌就會四處傳播,四處降落。)
  • 25、What I knew then of an artist was somebody who lives in a cruddy old loft in New York trying to sell a paintinghere and there.(那時候,我所知道的藝術家就是住在紐約暗無天日的閣樓里四處賣畫為生的一些人。)
  • 26、Even when the old man's food fellhere and there, the son and the daughter in law did not say anything.(即使老人的食物掉得到處都是,兒子和兒媳也沒有說什么。)
  • 27、Once you go out, you can see carshere and there.(一旦你出去,就會看到到處都是車。)
  • 28、I wenthere and there collecting it.(我到處拾毛。)
  • 29、Mary and Dickon worked a littlehere and there and Colin watched them.(瑪麗和狄肯在四處忙碌,科林看著他們。)

here and there基本釋義

here and there

英 [hi? ?nd e??] 美 [?h?ri ?nd e?r] 
到處; 處處