here you are造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:41:49


here you are造句

  • 1、MOTHER:here you are, children.(母親:拿著,孩子們。)
  • 2、here you are $100.(給你,這是100塊錢。)
  • 3、here you are. Help yourself.(你要的在這里。請(qǐng)自便。)
  • 4、Can I eat now?here you are.(我現(xiàn)在能吃嗎?給你。)
  • 5、B: you are.(b:當(dāng)然,給您。)
  • 6、Visitor B: Yes, I you are..(參觀者B:有啊,你看。)
  • 7、here you are, please check.(給你,請(qǐng)查一下。)
  • 8、Oh, it's you are!(哦,在這兒。給你!)
  • 9、Bhere you are, Sir.(b給你,先生。)
  • 10、here you are. This is what you were asking for.(給你。這就是你一直要的東西。)
  • 11、B: All you are.(好的。給你。)
  • 12、Benjamin:here you are.(本杰明:給你。)
  • 13、MR HU:here you are.(胡老師:給你。)
  • 14、here you are in your own family.(這兒都是你自己人呢。)
  • 15、M: you are.(m:當(dāng)然,給你。)
  • 16、Tom proudly marched into a thick clump of sumach bushes and said, "here you are!"(湯姆得意地大步走進(jìn)一叢茂密的綠樹中說(shuō):“給你!”)
  • 17、here you are. Do you need glue?(給你。你需要膠水嗎?)
  • 18、W:here you are. Taste the French fries.(W:給你。嘗一下炸薯?xiàng)l。)
  • 19、Henry: Sure,here you are.(亨利:當(dāng)然,給您。)
  • 20、W:here you are, Sir. You are all set.(W:給你,先生,一切都辦好了。)
  • 21、W:here you are sir, madam.(這里,先生,女士。)
  • 22、W: Of course,here you are.(W:當(dāng)然了,給你。)
  • 23、here you are gonna be swamp by writings by me.(在這里,你會(huì)被我的文章淹沒。) (hao86.com好工具)

here you are基本釋義