
higher education造句

higher education造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:41:43


higher education造句

  • 1、Britain has a well-respectedhigher education system and some of the top universities and research institutions in the world.(英國(guó)的高等教育體系備受推崇,擁有一些世界一流的大學(xué)和研究機(jī)構(gòu)。)
  • 2、The key to reforminghigher education, concludes Mr. Menand, is to alter the way in which "the producers of knowledge are produced".(莫南德先生總結(jié)道,改革高等教育的關(guān)鍵,在于改變“培養(yǎng)知識(shí)分子”的方式。)
  • 3、It seemshigher education has become an industry of meeting-holders whose task it is to "solve" problems—real or imagined.(高等教育似乎已經(jīng)變成了一個(gè)由會(huì)議負(fù)責(zé)人組成的產(chǎn)業(yè),他們的任務(wù)是“解決”現(xiàn)實(shí)或想象中的問題。)
  • 4、They are demonstrating in favour of freehigher education.(他們舉行示威游行,要求實(shí)行免費(fèi)高等教育。)
  • 5、higher education is unequally distributed across social classes.(高等教育是不平等分配給各社會(huì)各階層的。)
  • 6、higher education is no longer immune to state budget cuts.(高等教育不再受州預(yù)算削減的影響。)
  • 7、Many students from my university and my city have visited China and completed theirhigher education here.(許多來自我的大學(xué)和我所在城市的學(xué)生訪問過中國(guó),并在這里完成了他們的高等教育。)
  • 8、Her motivation for writing was a desire for women to get the right tohigher education.(她寫作的動(dòng)機(jī)是希望女性有權(quán)接受高等教育。)
  • 9、Caught in a severe budget crunch, many states have sharply scaled back their funding forhigher education.(由于面臨嚴(yán)重的預(yù)算緊縮,許多州大幅削減了對(duì)高等教育的資助。)
  • 10、Ardent supporters of publichigher education know the importance of sustaining privatehigher education.(熱心支持公立高等教育的人知道維持私立高等教育的重要性。)
  • 11、Whatever else it is,higher education is not a bastion of excellence.(不管它是什么,高等教育都不是卓越的堡壘。)
  • 12、This year, 25,310 students who have accepted places inhigher education institutions have put off their entry until next year.(今年,有25310名接受高等教育院校錄取的學(xué)生推遲至明年入學(xué)。)
  • 13、higher education has become a big and competitive business nowadays, and like so many businesses, it's gone global.(如今,高等教育已經(jīng)成為一個(gè)規(guī)模龐大、競(jìng)爭(zhēng)激烈的行業(yè),且就像許多行業(yè)一樣,它已經(jīng)走向全球。)
  • 14、The present system of funding forhigher education is unsatisfactory.(目前高等教育的經(jīng)費(fèi)體制并不令人滿意。)
  • 15、Most of our work is inhigher education, but occasionally, we do projects that go beyond that scope.(我們的大多數(shù)工作都是在高等教育范圍,但我們偶爾做些超出那個(gè)范圍的項(xiàng)目。)
  • 16、Of the forces shapinghigher education, none is more sweeping than the movement across borders.(在塑造高等教育的力量中,最具影響力的莫過于跨越國(guó)界的教育。)
  • 17、Japan'shigher education is superior to theirs.(日本的高等教育比他們的好。)
  • 18、Providing powerful hand held devices is sure to fuel debates over the role of technology inhigher education.(提供強(qiáng)大的手持設(shè)備肯定會(huì)引發(fā)關(guān)于技術(shù)在高等教育中的作用的爭(zhēng)論。)
  • 19、The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance ofhigher education.(大學(xué)擴(kuò)招了,這樣就使更多人能有機(jī)會(huì)接受高等教育。)
  • 20、Instead of skipping out onhigher education altogether, they chose community colleges or state schools with low bars for admittance.(他們沒有完全略過高等教育階段,而是選擇了社區(qū)大學(xué)或準(zhǔn)入門檻較低的州立大學(xué)。)
  • 21、higher education isn't for everyone, and people have a variety of paths to choose from once they graduate from high school.(高等教育并不適合每個(gè)人,一旦高中畢業(yè),人們可以有各種各樣的選擇。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 22、The second is that ourhigher education system is not designed to focus on the economic consequences of our students' years on campus.(第二,我們的高等教育體系并非旨在關(guān)注學(xué)生在校期間的經(jīng)濟(jì)后果。)
  • 23、There has been very little renewal of personnel inhigher education.(高等教育事業(yè)中人員更新很少。)
  • 24、Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana's fourhigher education boards.(查爾斯·施瓦茨法官給該州60天解散且合并路易斯安那的4個(gè)高等教育委員會(huì)。)
  • 25、The expansion ofhigher education should be a powerful force for change.(高等教育的發(fā)展對(duì)變革應(yīng)該是一個(gè)強(qiáng)大的推動(dòng)力。)
  • 26、A key issue forhigher education in the 1990s is the need for greater diversity of courses.(20世紀(jì)90年代高等教育的一個(gè)關(guān)鍵問題是需要使課程更加多樣化。)
  • 27、Many students are not adequately prepared forhigher education.(很多學(xué)生沒有為高等教育做足準(zhǔn)備。)
  • 28、They went all out to afford thehigher education for him.(他們竭盡全力為他提供高等教育。)

higher education基本釋義

higher education

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