
historical perspective造句

historical perspective造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:41:37


historical perspective造句

  • 1、Ahistorical perspective on The Usage Of IP Version 9.(IP第9版的歷史透析。)
  • 2、This, if you think about it from a broadhistorical perspective, is quite a reversal.(如果從更廣泛的歷史角度去考慮,這確實是反向思維。)
  • 3、Fromhistorical perspective, school teaching affairs management can be regarded as a relatively mature field.(從歷史的角度來看,學校的教務管理,應該算是一個相對成熟的領域。)
  • 4、MW Yes, you're a historian, perhaps you could give us a briefhistorical perspective on this.(MW是的,你是一個歷史學家,或許你能就這點為我們提供一個簡要的歷史觀點。)
  • 5、From thishistorical perspective, how will the exit strategy play out now?(從上述歷史經驗來看,當前美聯儲會怎么實施退出策略呢?)
  • 6、Ahistorical perspective can help us, because ours is not the first society to face environmental challenges.(回顧歷史可以幫助我們,因為我們不是面對環(huán)境挑戰(zhàn)的第一個社會。)
  • 7、We should be realistic andhistorical perspective to deal with these major issues.(我們應該用現實的和歷史的眼光去看待這些重大問題。)
  • 8、Now that we've seen somehistorical perspective on where these concepts have come from, let's look at lambda functions in PHP.(現在我們已經了解了這些概念的歷史,讓我們查看PHP中的lambda函數。)
  • 9、The level-headedness that can be gained fromhistorical perspective is the value in reading Ms Landecker's account.(從歷史的整體觀點出發(fā)獲得的頭腦冷靜是閱讀蘭蒂克女士記述的價值所在。)
  • 10、Let me give you a briefhistorical perspective on today's health challenges.(讓我向你們簡要地介紹一下當今衛(wèi)生挑戰(zhàn)的歷史背景。) haO86.com
  • 11、The loss of the infinitehistorical perspective generates the phenomenon of unproductive, wasted time.(這一無限歷史視角的喪失產生了一種徒勞無功的,被浪費的時間現象。)
  • 12、Lu xun has his thesis, hishistorical perspective.(魯迅是有他的論點,他的歷史眼光的。)
  • 13、But seen inhistorical perspective, the McCain campaign's strategy against Obama is actually kind of shocking.(但是,從歷史角度來看,實際上,麥凱恩競選軍團攻擊奧巴馬的策略有點讓人討厭。)
  • 14、From ahistorical perspective, China has a continuous history of several thousand years, which is unique in the world.(從歷史來看,中國有幾千年的連續(xù)不斷的歷史,這在世界上是獨一無二的。)
  • 15、Data gathered from a number of different sources allow the fund to give ahistorical perspective on today's mounting debt.(它從眾多不同的來源收集數據,從而為看待如今日益增加的債務提供歷史視角。)
  • 16、First of all, have ahistorical perspective, we will be more understanding and inclusive.(首先有了歷史的觀點,我們就會有更強的理解力和包容性。)
  • 17、My main point is to appeal for somehistorical perspective.(我的主要干帶你是要有歷史的前瞻性。)
  • 18、We need, finally, to see the "Great Game" in a largerhistorical perspective.(最后,我們需要從一個更大的歷史角度來看“大博弈”。)
  • 19、I would like to offer ahistorical perspective.(我想提供一個歷史的視角。)
  • 20、Indeed, including a comparison from 1870 adds some nicehistorical perspective.(事實上,包括自1870年以來的比較,增加了一些很好的歷史視角。)
  • 21、This approach does require ahistorical perspective.(這種方法需要對歷史做回顧。)

historical perspective基本釋義
