
have no business造句

have no business造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:42:06


have no business造句

  • 1、Theyhave no business pushing their weight around when they their gold reserve holdings are inconsequential.(他們沒有把自己的體重企業(yè)時,他們圍繞黃金儲備是無關緊要的。)
  • 2、Xu Ning is a poet of tang dynasty, from cradle to the grave cloth dress,have no business sans potential, silent anonymity.(徐凝是唐朝的一位詩人,一生布衣,無權無勢,默默無名。)
  • 3、Spring flowers autumn month, summer is cool winter with snow. Ifhave no business hanging heart, is a good time in the world.(春有百花秋有月,夏有涼風冬有雪。若無閑事掛心頭,便是人間好時節(jié)。)
  • 4、Youhave no business to be incorrigible, ' was his friend's answer, delivered in no very soothing tone.(“你沒有必要無可救藥,”他的朋友回答,并沒有帶多少安慰的口氣。)
  • 5、M: For instance, Ihave no business teaching Chinese because I don't speak it very well.(你說你中文太差,所以不能教中文。還要我舉個例子。)
  • 6、This column should be NOT NULL, and willhave no business meaning.(這個列應該是NOTNULL,并且沒有商業(yè)意義。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 7、Youhave no business being here.(你無權待在這里。)
  • 8、Meanwhile, regulatorshave no business giving big firms an easy ride just because they fear what will happen if they do what is right.(同時,如果公正行事,監(jiān)管者沒有義務就因為擔心某些事情發(fā)生而為大公司保駕護航。)
  • 9、Ten years later, if you do not doe-commerce, then you willhave no business!(十年后,你要是再不做電子商務的話,那么你將無商可務!)
  • 10、You might be the smartest geek in the world, but if youhave no business sense, you're in trouble.(你很有可能是頂級的高手,但是如果你沒有經(jīng)商的天賦,那么你就有點小麻煩了。)
  • 11、And realize that life is the best thing ever, and that youhave no business taking it for granted.(要意識到生活是最美好的,你應該對此倍加珍惜。)
  • 12、In doing business on the basis of friends, the friend will lose. On the basis of business to friends, theyhave no business to do.(在朋友基礎上做生意,那朋友就會失去。在生意的基礎上交朋友,那會沒有生意做。)
  • 13、I am very tired and I really would like to sleep tonight, so if youhave no business here, please leave.(我現(xiàn)在很累,今晚真想好好睡一覺,所以如果沒什么事的話,你們還是走吧。)
  • 14、Now, there are some technologies thathave no business in the office anymore yet somehow keep hanging around.(現(xiàn)在有些技術在辦公室已經(jīng)無用武之地了,但不知為什么仍然懸而未決。)
  • 15、Without airlines, the airportshave no business.(沒有航空公司,機場沒有業(yè)務。)
  • 16、More from JBleep: Without the workers, Paul wouldhave no business.(還是來自JBleep:沒有員工,保羅就沒有公司了。)
  • 17、We, as dudes,have no business expressing ourselves with the color of our cell phones.(作為男人們,我們不需要用我們手機的顏色表達我們自己。)
  • 18、Either way, taxpayershave no business paying for students' college education.(不管怎樣,納稅人都沒有責任為學生的大學教育買單。)
  • 19、If you are recognizing your Lord, youhave no business with where he engineers your circumstances.(所以只要認清是主,就不必問他怎樣處理環(huán)境。)
  • 20、They think eating is just a meal to make their stomach full and mannershave no business of it.(他們覺得吃飯只是能讓自己的肚子飽而已和禮儀是毫無關系的。)
  • 21、"Business! Bless you, Ihave no business," said Mr. Carton.(“業(yè)務!上帝保佑你,我沒有業(yè)務!”卡爾頓先生說。)
  • 22、And realize that life is not the best thing ever, and that youhave no business taking it for granted.(要認識到人生最美好的東西,你決不能想當然。)
  • 23、"Give an answer," cried the boy, "or take yourself off, youhave no business here at night."(“回答吧?!蹦呛⒆咏械?,“要不就快離開,大晚上的你在這里做什么?!?
  • 24、Without airports, airlineshave no business.(沒有機場,航空公司沒有業(yè)務。)

have no business基本釋義