
Help yourself to造句

Help yourself to造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:41:55


Help yourself to造句

  • 1、Help yourself to the chicken while it's hot.(趁熱吃了雞肉。)
  • 2、Help yourself to what you need.(有需要盡管取用。)
  • 3、Help yourself to a clean towel.(請(qǐng)隨便拿一條干凈毛巾用。)
  • 4、Have you found any tips toHelp yourself to "Eat very right"?(你找到了幫助自己“吃的很正確”的方法了嗎?)
  • 5、Help yourself to some more duck!(請(qǐng)?jiān)俪渣c(diǎn)鴨肉吧!)
  • 6、Hello, Jim!Help yourself to a cake.(你好,吉姆!請(qǐng)隨便吃點(diǎn)蛋糕吧。)
  • 7、To keep your focus on the right things toHelp yourself to grow.(集中注意力到正確的事情上會(huì)對(duì)你的成長有好處。)
  • 8、Help yourself to some coffee. Use the big blue mug. Consider it yours.(自己拿咖啡喝吧。用大的藍(lán)杯子。以后這就是你的。)
  • 9、(They get everything ready) Here is a free table. Lets sit down.Help yourself to some fish please. Isnt it delicious and appetizing?((他們買好了)這里有一張空桌子。我們坐下吧,請(qǐng)吃魚。難道不好吃,看著很有食欲嗎?)
  • 10、PleaseHelp yourself to some fruit.(請(qǐng)你隨便吃點(diǎn)水果。)
  • 11、Help yourself to dinner, please. Is there anything else that I can do for you?(先生/女士,請(qǐng)您用餐(自助),您還有別的事情要我?guī)兔幔?
  • 12、For an even speedier start,Help yourself to a product-by-product collection of how-to articles and tech support.(要更快速地開始上手,請(qǐng)參閱針對(duì)各個(gè)產(chǎn)品的how-to文章和技術(shù)支持。)
  • 13、Tom,Help yourself to some fish.(湯姆,隨便吃點(diǎn)魚。)
  • 14、When dishes are passed to you, extend your hand andHelp yourself to a moderate portion.(當(dāng)一盤一盤的菜肴傳給你時(shí),不用客氣,盡管伸出你的手,但只取適當(dāng)?shù)姆萘俊?
  • 15、Help yourself to some fish.(請(qǐng)隨意吃點(diǎn)魚吧。)
  • 16、PleaseHelp yourself to the salad bar, but only one trip.(請(qǐng)到沙拉吧自取,沙拉只能取一次。)
  • 17、JENNY ROSS: Over here is the stationery cupboard. Papers. Files. Pencils, etc.Help yourself to what you need.(詹妮·羅斯:這邊是文具柜、紙張、文件、鉛筆、等等。有需要盡管取用。)
  • 18、Help yourself to one of these cookies.(請(qǐng)自行取用這些餅干。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 19、PleaseHelp yourself to some chicken.(請(qǐng)隨意吃一點(diǎn)雞肉。)
  • 20、Help yourself to this apple pie.(請(qǐng)隨意吃點(diǎn)蘋果餡餅。)
  • 21、PleaseHelp yourself to the fish.(請(qǐng)不要客氣,吃魚吧!)
  • 22、Help yourself to become well again; nobody else will do this hard work for you.(幫助自己重新好起來;別人沒有人會(huì)為你而努力。)
  • 23、Help yourself to the fruit.(請(qǐng)自己取用水果。)
  • 24、Help yourself to more meat.(請(qǐng)?jiān)俣喑渣c(diǎn)肉。)

Help yourself to基本釋義

Help yourself to

自取; 隨便吃
