
help yourself造句

help yourself造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:41:54


help yourself造句

  • 1、It means that next time you reach for that sausage sandwich, you can reasonably lay claim to the excuse that you couldn'thelp yourself.(這意味著下次你拿起香腸三明治的時(shí)候,你完全可以為自己的情不自禁找個(gè)借口。)
  • 2、There's bread on the table.help yourself.(桌上有面包。你自己拿吧。)
  • 3、You certainly canhelp yourself!(你當(dāng)然可以自給自足!)
  • 4、Please join us.help yourself!(請加入我們吧,請隨意!)
  • 5、help yourself to this apple pie.(請隨意吃點(diǎn)蘋果餡餅。)
  • 6、Since you don'thelp yourself, I'll help you with some fish balls.(既然你自己不下筷,我只好來幫你搛點(diǎn)魚丸。)
  • 7、help yourself, please!(請自便!)
  • 8、help yourself to a clean towel.(請隨便拿一條干凈毛巾用。)
  • 9、Pleasehelp yourself.(請先吃吧。)
  • 10、help yourself to some more duck!(請?jiān)俪渣c(diǎn)鴨肉吧!)
  • 11、To help them means tohelp yourself.(幫助他們就是幫助你自己。)
  • 12、help yourself to the fruit.(請自己取用水果。)
  • 13、There are fruits on the table.help yourself!(桌上有水果,你自己拿吧!)
  • 14、It may be extremely difficult to take any action tohelp yourself.(采取任何行動(dòng)幫助自己可能都是極端困難的事。)
  • 15、If you want another drink, justhelp yourself.(你要是想再喝一杯就請自便。)
  • 16、You canhelp yourself by helping others.(你可以通過幫助別人來幫助自己。)
  • 17、If you can'thelp yourself, this is a good place to start.(如果沒辦法了,可以看看這個(gè)地方。)
  • 18、help yourself to the chicken while it's hot.(趁熱吃了雞肉。)
  • 19、We serve many kinds of drinks. Pleasehelp yourself.(我們供應(yīng)很多種飲料,請自便。)
  • 20、help yourself to what you need.(有需要盡管取用。)
  • 21、help yourself by Helping others.(幫助別人其實(shí)也是幫助自己。) hAo86.com
  • 22、help yourself—there's heaps more.(請隨便取用—還多著呢。)
  • 23、Tom,help yourself to some fish.(湯姆,隨便吃點(diǎn)魚。)
  • 24、This food is a Sichuan speciality.help yourself, please.(這是四川名菜,請大家不必客氣。)
  • 25、Here you are.help yourself.(你要的在這里。請自便。)
  • 26、help yourself to more meat.(請?jiān)俣喑渣c(diǎn)肉。)
  • 27、Please make yourself at home andhelp yourself.(請像在自家一樣不要拘束。)
  • 28、help yourself to some fish.(請隨意吃點(diǎn)魚吧。)

help yourself基本釋義
