
decision point造句

decision point造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:02


decision point造句

  • 1、The join node waits for the completion of these two parallel routes before advancing to the seconddecision point.(連接點(diǎn)等待著兩條平行路線都完成,然后進(jìn)入第二個決策點(diǎn)。)
  • 2、The tester identifies thedecision points in the test suite workflow and creates a decision test script for eachdecision point.(測試人員識別測試套件流中的決策點(diǎn),并為每一個決策點(diǎn)建立一個決策測試腳本。)
  • 3、The number of rules involved in eachdecision point and the frequency of rule updates.(每個決策點(diǎn)中涉及的規(guī)則數(shù)量和規(guī)則的更新頻率。)
  • 4、Several companies provide commercial policydecision point and policy enforcement point solutions, including IBM.(有幾家公司提供了商業(yè)策略決策點(diǎn)和策略強(qiáng)制實(shí)施點(diǎn)解決方案,這些公司包括Oblix、Netegrity、IBM和許多其它公司。)
  • 5、When adecision point is reached in the testing process, the tester examines the state of the AUT and determines a test action.(在測試過程中當(dāng)達(dá)到一個決策點(diǎn)時,測試人員會檢查aut的狀態(tài)并決定測試活動。)
  • 6、Create decision connectors for the firstdecision point.(在第一個決策點(diǎn)創(chuàng)建決策連接器。)
  • 7、The figure also shows adecision point, validation successful?(圖中還包含一個決策點(diǎn)校驗(yàn)是否成功?)
  • 8、Eachdecision point can be specified with a decision table.(每一個決策點(diǎn)都可以用一個決策表來指定。)
  • 9、Said invented system includes service server, service scheduling unit SB and service strategydecision point SPDF.(本發(fā)明系統(tǒng)包括:業(yè)務(wù)服務(wù)器、業(yè)務(wù)調(diào)度單元SB和業(yè)務(wù)策略決策點(diǎn)SPDF。)
  • 10、Fan in is always partnered with a Fan Out in the same flow and ACTS as adecision point for when to continue flow execution.(扇入總是與扇出一起出現(xiàn)在相同流中,并作為何時繼續(xù)執(zhí)行流的判定點(diǎn)。)
  • 11、The complexity of thedecision point orchestration.(決策點(diǎn)業(yè)務(wù)流程的復(fù)雜性。)
  • 12、In a complete authentication system, you still need to write a policydecision point to decide if a user may access a Web page.(在完整的認(rèn)證系統(tǒng)中,您仍需要編寫策略決策點(diǎn),以確定用戶是否可以訪問web頁面。)
  • 13、Each rule project contains the rule artifacts related to itsdecision point, as well as its own simple rule flow.(每個規(guī)則項目包含與其決策點(diǎn)相關(guān)的規(guī)則項目以及其自身的簡單規(guī)則流。)
  • 14、To implement adecision point, the tester must do the following.(為了執(zhí)行一個決策點(diǎn),測試人員需要完成以下工作。)
  • 15、In addition to thedecision point configuration, it's also possible to set a timeout value for Fan in.(除判定點(diǎn)配置外,還可以設(shè)置扇入的超時值。)
  • 16、As this article shows, the APIs that your blog server supports are an equally importantdecision point.(從本文可以看到,您的博客服務(wù)器支持的API與決策考慮因素同等重要。)
  • 17、The conditions specified at adecision point are used to generate the corresponding decision table.(決策點(diǎn)列出的條件用來產(chǎn)生通訊的決策表。)
  • 18、Adecision point is the point in the description where an actor must make a decision or provide additional information.(決定點(diǎn)是在描述中參與者必須作出決定或者提供額外信息的那個點(diǎn)。)
  • 19、Thedecision point will automatically route the work package to a branch based on the result of the decision rule at runtime.(決策點(diǎn)在運(yùn)行時根據(jù)決策規(guī)則的結(jié)果自動將工作包傳送到某一個分支。)
  • 20、Integration with a policydecision point.(與策略決策點(diǎn)的集成。)
  • 21、A system that supports XACML is composed of two primary components: a Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) and a Policydecision point (PDP).(支持XACML的系統(tǒng)由兩個主要組件構(gòu)成:策略執(zhí)行點(diǎn)(PolicyEnforcementPoint,pep)和策略決策點(diǎn)(PolicyDecisionPoint,pdp)。)
  • 22、Figure 5 USES a circle as adecision point, as well as a diamond.(圖5同時使用圓形和菱形作為判定點(diǎn)。)
  • 23、decision point 1: claim amount.(決策點(diǎn)1:索賠金額。)
  • 24、It was adecision point.(那是一個決策點(diǎn)。)
  • 25、There comes thisdecision point were failure means, you let go.(選擇自我放棄就意味著,你在心理上或者生理上放棄了。)
  • 26、decision point 2: accept or reject.(決策點(diǎn)2:接受或拒絕。)
  • 27、The seconddecision point evaluates a workflow variable Approve.(第二個決策點(diǎn)計算工作流變量批準(zhǔn)(Approve)。)
  • 28、Create decision connectors for the seconddecision point.(為第二個決策點(diǎn)創(chuàng)建決策連接器。) (hao86.com好工具)

decision point基本釋義

decision point

英 [di?si??n p?int] 美 [d??s???n p??nt] 
