
desert landscape造句

desert landscape造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:49:31


desert landscape造句

  • 1、A vast alluvial fan blossoms across the desolate landscape between the kunlun and altun mountain ranges that form the southern border of the taklimakan desert in chin a's xinjiang province.(廣闊沖積扇開(kāi)花整個(gè)荒涼景觀之間的昆侖和阿爾金山脈,形成南部塔克拉瑪干沙漠邊緣,在中國(guó)的新疆建省。)
  • 2、The ecology landscape design is one of Shaanxi–Neimeng desert highway important characteristics.(生態(tài)景觀設(shè)計(jì)是陜蒙沙漠高速公路的重要特色之一。)
  • 3、The photographer trekked across the two states over three years to capture the stunning landscapes of the region. Above, thedesert landscape in winter.(三年來(lái)這位攝影師徒步在這兩州探索,拍攝出一張張絕美的風(fēng)景照。上圖是冬日里的荒原。)
  • 4、The grassy hills we climbed on our way out of Ulan Bator soon gave way to the much harsher, more arid landscape of the Gobi Desert.(列車(chē)爬過(guò)長(zhǎng)著青草的山坡出了烏蘭巴托,風(fēng)景很快變成了戈壁沙漠的不毛之地。)
  • 5、Moreover, Arizona'sdesert landscape is worth seeing.(此外,亞利桑那州的沙漠景觀也是值得一看的。)
  • 6、As the landscape dramatically transforms from desert to wetland, nature bursts into life and visitors begin to arrive in the area.(景觀由沙漠急變?yōu)闈竦?,自然界生命突現(xiàn),游客們也開(kāi)始到達(dá)這一地區(qū)。)
  • 7、Oasis is one of the three systems, mountains, desert and oasis in arid region. It is a special geographic landscape.(綠洲是干旱區(qū)山地、荒漠和綠洲這三大系統(tǒng)之一,是干旱區(qū)特有的地理景觀。)
  • 8、These images of the western portion of the Las Vegas metropolitan area show the city's steady spread into the adjacentdesert landscape.(這些拉斯維加斯城市西部地區(qū)的圖片,顯示了該城逐步向鄰近西部沙漠地區(qū)延伸的過(guò)程。)
  • 9、We had crossed into Libya and were approaching our final turn over the bleakdesert landscape when Walter informed me that he was receiving missile launch signals.(闖入利比亞領(lǐng)空的黑鳥(niǎo),在荒涼的沙漠上空漸漸接近最后一個(gè)既定轉(zhuǎn)彎。就在此時(shí),沃爾特捕捉到一些導(dǎo)彈發(fā)射信號(hào)。)
  • 10、The tribe is renowned for surviving on the fringe of a salt desert, a harsh and eerie landscape which even the Incas avoided, by flushing the soil with river water.(烏魯奇帕亞人以生活在鹽土荒漠的邊緣地帶而著稱(chēng)。鹽土荒漠的生存條件殘酷而可怕,即使是古印加人也望而卻步,但烏魯奇帕亞人卻依靠河水灌溉土地而生存。)
  • 11、I really like Arizona'sdesert landscape.(我十分喜歡亞利桑那的沙漠。)
  • 12、The outer space of oasis play a great role in transferring between oasis and desert, of all, vegetation is a important part in ecological system and index displaying the certain landscape.(綠洲外緣地區(qū),是綠洲與荒漠相互轉(zhuǎn)化活動(dòng)程度最劇烈、表現(xiàn)最突出的地區(qū),而植被是生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的重要組成部分和景觀狀況的重要指針。)
  • 13、About the image - This image was a personal project, I wanted to paint an exotic opendesert landscape and imbue with a sense of mystery.(這是張個(gè)人作品,我想繪制一副帶有異國(guó)情調(diào)的開(kāi)闊沙漠景觀,并融入強(qiáng)烈的神秘感。)
  • 14、He was struck by the starkdesert landscape.(他被那里荒涼的沙漠景致深深打動(dòng)。)
  • 15、The open-plan living room and kitchen forms the the largest space of the house. Floor-to-ceiling windows open the space out to the courtyard and offer panoramic views of the vastdesert landscape.(開(kāi)敞設(shè)計(jì)的起居室和廚房形成了這棟住宅中最大的空間,落地窗使空間向庭院敞開(kāi)并呈現(xiàn)出沙漠景觀全貌。)
  • 16、The photographer says the light hits these rock formations at certain angels at different times a day. Above, an icydesert landscape.(攝影師稱(chēng)一日之內(nèi)有好幾次光線(xiàn)會(huì)以某特定角度照射在這些巖層上。上圖是冰雪荒原地貌。)
  • 17、Gardens and fields, sparkly green, decorated thedesert landscape like bright emerald necklaces.(一片挨著一片綠得發(fā)亮的花園和田園,活像晶亮的綠寶石項(xiàng)鏈點(diǎn)綴著這荒涼的背景。)
  • 18、In the morning, the landscape changed into a green, wet lowland watered by the monsoon, and the dry heat of the desert seemed far behind us.(到了早晨,車(chē)窗外的景色換成了雨季中潮濕的綠色低地,沙漠的干熱氣候好像已經(jīng)被我們遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)拋在身后了。)
  • 19、"The amount of benevolence" is a pastoral landscape of the Gobi desert of a better description, there is the meaning of a mirage.(“額仁”是牧人對(duì)荒漠戈壁景色的一種美好描述,有海市蜃樓的意思。)
  • 20、Large areas of the endless desert and oasis, the formation of a unique natural landscape.(一望無(wú)際的沙漠和大片綠洲,形成了獨(dú)特的自然風(fēng)貌。)
  • 21、There are four spring-like tropical rainforests, nerve-janglingdesert landscape, thunder-and-lightning garden, forceful and majestic trees... there are all kinds of plants about 3000-5000 kinds.(有四季如春的熱帶雨林,有驚險(xiǎn)刺激的沙漠園林,有鮮艷奪目的花園,有挺拔雄偉的樹(shù)林……每個(gè)園林爭(zhēng)奇斗艷,樹(shù)木蔥蘢,共有形形色色的植物約3000---5000種。)
  • 22、Mojave academy: Upstairs cosmetics academy as staged mix ofdesert landscape, case-study desert modernism and peyote cacti.(莫哈維學(xué)院:樓上的化妝學(xué)院與沙漠場(chǎng)景融合,模仿沙漠現(xiàn)代主義和仙人球的藝術(shù)。)
  • 23、Towers of salt and a riverbed colored by crystallized salt create an otherworldly landscape in Ethiopia's Danakil Desert.(極端的地球圖片畫(huà)廊。塔器的鹽和河床染色的結(jié)晶鹽創(chuàng)造一個(gè)超俗的景觀在埃塞俄比亞的爾沙漠。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 24、In the desert, a canyon that snakes through the landscape could also prevent crossing without creating an eyesore.(在沙漠中,一個(gè)蜿蜒地穿過(guò)景觀的峽谷也可以讓視線(xiàn)穿過(guò)而沒(méi)有任何障礙。)
  • 25、Not only do the bright paints make the dying trees prettier, but they also add an unusual element to thedesert landscape that is impossible to miss.(他們不僅僅是用鮮亮的色彩來(lái)彩飾那些奄奄一息的樹(shù),使其更充滿(mǎn)活力,而且也為不容忽視的沙漠景觀增加了一些不一樣的元素。)
  • 26、The present forms of landscape in the research area are mainly aerodynamic relief, desert plain and pediment.(研究地區(qū)的現(xiàn)代景觀形態(tài)主要是風(fēng)營(yíng)力地形、荒漠平原及準(zhǔn)平原。)

desert landscape基本釋義