
die break造句

die break造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:49:12


die break造句

  • 1、When plants and animals die, microbes break them down; slime molds then devour many of the bacteria, releasing their nutrients for other organisms to grow on.(動(dòng)植物死亡后,被微生物分解;黏菌隨后會(huì)吞食掉許多細(xì)菌,釋放出他們的營(yíng)養(yǎng)物質(zhì)供其他有機(jī)體生長(zhǎng)。)
  • 2、I've known him all his life, and he'd rather die than break his word.(我知道他的一生,他是寧死也不肯食言的。)
  • 3、The results of trial manufacturing and product detection indicate that employing a die forging-drawing process to form the monobloc break beam frame is feasible.(生產(chǎn)試制及產(chǎn)品檢驗(yàn)表明,采用“模鍛-拉制”工藝成形整體結(jié)構(gòu)的新型制動(dòng)梁架是可行的。)
  • 4、As the saying goes, "old habits die hard", our earnest attempts to break those habits often end in frustration.(正如俗話所說:本性難移,我們認(rèn)真的努力要改掉它卻總以失敗告終。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 5、Water said: I will break my heart, would die with him.(水說:我會(huì)心碎,也會(huì)隨他死去。)
  • 6、Who will attend those who break things, ah, appetite die out!(誰要旁聽那些破事啊,胃口死光光!)
  • 7、Those who separate themselves from the outside but do not break down the solitude are bound to die.(只知道封閉自己卻不會(huì)去打破孤獨(dú)的人注定是要走向死亡的。)
  • 8、We are here to ruin ourselves, and to break our hearts, and love the wrong people, and die.(我們是為了毀掉生活,把自己弄得傷心欲絕,愛上錯(cuò)誤的人,最后死去。)
  • 9、If you don't break free, you're gonna die.(如果您沒有掙脫,你就會(huì)死亡。)
  • 10、When the plants die, they sink to the ocean floor where bacteria begin to break them down.(當(dāng)浮游植物死后沉到海底,細(xì)菌開始將其分解。)
  • 11、Racked with a burning, tearing anguish, she felt that the thread of her being would break, and she would die.(她被火灼般、撕裂般的劇痛折磨著,感到自己的生命之線就要斷了,她就要死了。)
  • 12、It is becoming clear that people who break through the 90-plus barrier represent a physical elite, markedly different from the elderly who typically die younger than them.(逐漸清楚的是:那些活過90以上這道坎的人都身體強(qiáng)壯,明顯不同于那些一般于他們之前過世的老人。)
  • 13、It's no doubt that we all have bad habits. As the saying goes, "old habits die hard", our earnest attempts to break those habits often end in frustration.(譯文:毫無疑問,我們都有不好的習(xí)慣。正如俗話所說:本性難移,我們認(rèn)真的努力要改掉它卻總以失敗告終。)
  • 14、The fatigue break down is the main form of die failure. To improve the use life of dies, an approach for increasing fatigue resistance of die material is reviewed.(疲勞破壞是模具失效的主要形式,為了提高模具的使用壽命,綜述了提高模具材料疲勞抗力的多種途徑。)
  • 15、After a while, the battery will die. That will break the spell.(過一陣,電池就會(huì)耗光,自然就會(huì)打破魔咒。)
  • 16、You have to break away from smoking, otherwise you may die of lung cancer.(你必須戒掉吸煙,否則你會(huì)死于肺癌。)

die break基本釋義