die down造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:49:12


die down造句

  • 1、"What a pity! They'lldie down there in the grass," said the third.(“真可憐!它們會死在草叢下面,”第三位律師說,他的名字我忘記了。)
  • 2、"I'm about to die from this heat." her brother hollers down the hall.(“我都快要熱死了!”她的弟弟從樓下大廳傳來的吼聲。)
  • 3、You can tell him from me that I hope to see him die, and his house fall down around him!(你可以告訴他我說我希望看到他死了并看到他的房子塌下來把他給埋了!)
  • 4、So me and mine gotta lay down and die… so you can live in your better world?(所以我們就應(yīng)該乖乖死去……而你生活在那更好的世界?)
  • 5、In the far North lie nightly down to die.(而我,會躺在那遙遠(yuǎn)的北方,夜復(fù)一夜,在那里消亡;)
  • 6、We're hoping for the storm todie down before we go out sailing.(我們希望暴風(fēng)雨在我們出航前平息。)
  • 7、Life is a fugitive, cannot lay down and die.(生活就是一場逃亡,不能坐以待斃。)
  • 8、The room seemed warm enough so we let the firedie down .(這房間似乎夠暖和了,因此我們把火弄小了。)
  • 9、Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fussdie down.(他們目前的策略是保持低調(diào),讓事態(tài)慢慢平息。)
  • 10、I should fall down and die in the woods.(我寧可倒下來死在森林里了。)
  • 11、Todie down thoroughly within my soul;(在我的心靈里還沒有完全消失;)
  • 12、I'll obey you, even if I have to lie down and die.(我會服從的,即使是你要我躺下死去也行。)
  • 13、"If the forest is cut down, tourism will die completely," he continues.(“如果森林被毀,旅游業(yè)將徹底完蛋?!彼a(bǔ)充道。)
  • 14、Do anything, save to lie down and die!(你可以做任何事情,只要不躺下死掉!)
  • 15、The fire in the forest is dying down, and will soon die away.(森林的火勢在逐漸減弱,不久會消失的。)
  • 16、Make them laugh, make them cry, make them lie down and die.(讓他們大笑,讓他們痛哭,讓他們倒下、死亡。)
  • 17、It took a long time for the excitement todie down.(過了好長時間興奮才平息下來。)
  • 18、Despair whispers, "Lie down and die; give it all up."(“絕望”小聲對你說:“放棄一切,躺下來等死吧!”)
  • 19、Must I sink down there, and die at once?(我應(yīng)該沉淪于此,并且馬上死掉嗎?) hao86.com
  • 20、The trees die, and the farmers must cut down new patches of forest.(于是可可樹就很容易干枯死亡,緊接著農(nóng)民必須砍掉這些新生的森林補(bǔ)丁。)
  • 21、If youdie down there, you're welcome to share my toilet.(如果你在下面死了,歡迎你來與我分享這個盥洗室。)
  • 22、I'd totally die if she turned me down.(如果她拒絕我,我會死的。)
  • 23、I think we can now let a long-standing and divisive debatedie down.(我想,我們現(xiàn)在可以結(jié)束眾說紛紜、喋喋不休的辯論了。)
  • 24、If you die, I will make this world go down with you.(如果你死了,我會讓這個世界為你陪葬的。)
  • 25、At last he gave in, and lay down and prepared to die.(最后他屈服了,躺在地上等死。)