die of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:49:11


die of造句

  • 1、They'lldie of starvation if they can't be persuaded to take some nourishment.(如果不能說(shuō)服他們吃點(diǎn)有營(yíng)養(yǎng)的東西,他們會(huì)餓死的。)
  • 2、He estimates it took three days for them todie of starvation.(他估計(jì)這兩頭馴鹿需要三天才死于饑餓。) Hao86.com
  • 3、After spawning, mostdie of exhaustion.(繁衍過(guò)后,多數(shù)鮭魚(yú)會(huì)因精疲力竭而死。)
  • 4、Doing nothing means that some deer willdie of hunger or illness.(什么也不做意味著一些鹿會(huì)死于饑餓或疾病。)
  • 5、With its shell damaged, the roach will soondie of dehydration.(隨著它的外殼受損,小強(qiáng)會(huì)很快死于脫水。)
  • 6、No, I did notdie of fright: the Thing turned and went away.(不,我并不是死于驚駭:那個(gè)東西轉(zhuǎn)身走開(kāi)了。)
  • 7、You coulddie of a heart attack.(你可能死于心臟病發(fā)。)
  • 8、Todie of love, is to live in it.(為愛(ài)而死,便是為愛(ài)而生。)
  • 9、The mouse willdie of suffocation or even shock before digestion.(在被消化之前,老鼠會(huì)死于窒息,甚至被嚇?biāo)馈?
  • 10、Here she was to stay for seven years without meat or drink, anddie of hunger.(她要在這里被關(guān)七年,沒(méi)有吃喝,最后餓死。)
  • 11、My stomach remains empty, and I must tie myself up if I am not todie of hunger.(我的肚子還是空的,如果我不想餓死,我就得把褲帶勒緊。)
  • 12、According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely todie of skin cancer than a woman.(據(jù)統(tǒng)計(jì),男性死于皮膚癌的可能性是女性的兩倍多。)
  • 13、Each year 50 to 100 childrendie of seasonal flu.(每年有50-100個(gè)兒童死于季節(jié)流感。)
  • 14、Five thousand peopledie of TB, a curable disease, every day.(每天有五千人死于結(jié)核病,而這一疾病是可以治愈的。)
  • 15、Give me thy hand, give me thy cheek—lord, I am like todie of very joy!(把你的手給我,把你的臉給我——天啊,我簡(jiǎn)直要樂(lè)死了!)
  • 16、Many deerdie of hunger.(許多鹿死于饑餓。)
  • 17、400 people a yeardie of this disease on average.(平均每年有400人死于這種疾病。)
  • 18、Mendie of heart attacks while shoveling snow.(在掃雪時(shí),人類也會(huì)死于心臟病突發(fā)。)
  • 19、Eg: You maydie of alcohol poisoning.(你可能會(huì)因?yàn)榫凭卸径馈?
  • 20、Halfthe mice willdie of hunger and the other half will run away.(一半的老鼠將會(huì)死于饑餓,另外一半將會(huì)逃亡。)
  • 21、Her father and her brothers woulddie of shame.(她的父親和兄弟們會(huì)羞愧死的。)
  • 22、I was ready todie of laughter.(我真要笑死啦。)
  • 23、People sometimesdie of treatable conditions.(人們有時(shí)死于可治之癥。)
  • 24、They thendie of the infection, while the slug remains healthy.(他們將死于感染,而“鼻涕蟲(chóng)”則保持健康。)
  • 25、They justdie of cardiac arrest while they're sleeping.(比如在睡覺(jué)時(shí)死于心臟病發(fā)。)
  • 26、According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely todie of skin cancer than a woman, and nine times more likely todie of AIDS.(據(jù)統(tǒng)計(jì),男性死于皮膚癌的幾率是女性的兩倍多,死于艾滋病的幾率是女性的九倍多。)
  • 27、Around fifty peopledie of hunger every day in the camp.(集中營(yíng)里每天大約有五十人餓死。)

die of基本釋義

die of

英 [dai ?v] 美 [da? ?v] 
