
dining room造句

dining room造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:49:03


dining room造句

  • 1、Thedining room looked like this.(我們的餐廳變成了這個樣子。)
  • 2、The two restaurants, the Living Room and thedining room are cozy.(這兩個餐廳“起居室”和“餐室”非常舒服。)
  • 3、We hurried into our clothes and then went to thedining room to bolt our breakfast.(我們匆忙穿好衣服,然后趕到食堂去對付早飯。)
  • 4、For ourdining room I have chosen ochre yellow walls.(我為我們餐廳的墻壁選擇了褐黃色。)
  • 5、The inmates ate in a communaldining room.(同獄室的人在一個公共飯廳吃飯。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 6、There you were, gazing at one and the same moment into the drawing-room,dining room, the kitchen, and two bedrooms.(你就在那里,同時凝視著客廳、餐廳、廚房和兩間臥室。)
  • 7、We were sent into thedining room, where supper was set out on the deal tables.(我們被打發(fā)進了餐廳,晚飯擺在餐桌上。)
  • 8、A study by the University of Florida claims that putting mirrors in yourdining room will help weight loss because they actually make junk food taste worse.(佛羅里達大學的一項研究稱,在餐廳里放鏡子有助于減肥,因為鏡子會讓垃圾食品更難吃。)
  • 9、I wandered through the front room, thedining room, the parlour, hand on the wall for balance.(我漫步穿過前屋、餐廳、客廳,手放在墻上保持平衡。)
  • 10、She nodded toward thedining room. "He's in there."(她朝餐廳點了點頭說:“他在那里面。”)
  • 11、We have one living room, one study, two bedrooms, onedining room, and one big kitchen in our home.(我們家有一個客廳、一個書房、兩個臥室、一個餐廳和一個很大的廚房。)
  • 12、That's what brought Dayle Rodriguez, all the way from England to thedining room of Brookdale South Bay in Torrance, California.(正因如此,黛爾·羅德里格斯從英格蘭一路來到加州托倫斯市布魯克代爾南灣的餐廳。)
  • 13、As you can see from the drawings, the kitchen has one door into thedining room, another into the family room and a third to the outside.(正如你從圖紙上看到的,廚房有一扇門通往餐廳,另一扇通往起居室,第三扇通向外面。)
  • 14、I looked first into thedining room window.(我先看了看飯廳的窗戶。)
  • 15、We got a new table for thedining room.(我們給飯廳添了一張新桌子。)
  • 16、When they had lunch in thedining room, they sat alone at a table.(在餐廳吃午飯時,就他們幾個,坐了一張桌子。)
  • 17、In thedining room of my grandfather's house stood a massive grandfather clock.(在我祖父家的餐廳里放著一個巨大的落地擺鐘。)
  • 18、I work as a waiter in the campus dining hall, in the facultydining room.(我在學校餐廳教職工窗口上班,當服務員。)
  • 19、There's only enough of them to fill a decent-sizeddining room, but they call themselves the "town meeting."(他們的人數(shù)只夠填滿一個像樣的餐廳,但他們稱自己為“鎮(zhèn)民大會”。)
  • 20、A grand victory banquet was served in the royaldining room.(在皇家餐廳舉行了祝捷盛宴。)
  • 21、Susan, I am going to change the light bulb above thedining room table.(蘇珊,我要把餐桌上方的電燈泡換了。)
  • 22、Come into thedining room.(快來餐廳。)
  • 23、This is our kitchen, living room, anddining room all rolled into one.(這是我們的廚房、客廳和餐廳都融為一體的房間。)
  • 24、Reclaim Yourdining room Table!(讓你的餐廳用桌面目一新吧!)
  • 25、Stapleton locked the door and went back into the house and thedining room.(斯臺普頓鎖好門,又回到屋里和飯廳去了。)
  • 26、The children were banished from thedining room.(孩子們被趕出餐室。)
  • 27、The excited murmur grew louder as the whole group collected in the olddining room.(當所有人都聚集在老舊的餐廳時,興奮的低語聲音越來越大。)
  • 28、None of that is the topic of conversation in the Brookdaledining room.(這些都不是布魯克代爾餐廳里談話的主題。)
  • 29、The kitchen is right next door to thedining room.(廚房就在餐廳的隔壁。)

dining room基本釋義

dining room

英 [?da?n?? ru:m] 美 [?da?n?? rum] 
第三人稱復數(shù):dining rooms

