
do a show造句

do a show造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:48:28


do a show造句

  • 1、When a customer moves, do you show their address at the time they bought the product or their current address?(當(dāng)客戶搬家時(shí),是否在其購買產(chǎn)品時(shí)展示其地址或者其當(dāng)前地址?) Hao86.com
  • 2、Now we want to show a notation, how do we go from one equilibrium state like this describes to another equilibrium state?(現(xiàn)在我們要展示一種記號(hào),來標(biāo)記我們?nèi)绾?,從這里描述的,這樣的一個(gè)平衡態(tài)過渡到另一個(gè)平衡態(tài)?)
  • 3、The solid lines, which show power consumption, do show a slight difference.(但是,顯示電能消耗的實(shí)線的確顯示出輕微的差異。)
  • 4、In other words, not only do mice show a response to the pain of others, but it matters who the other mouse is.(換而言之,不僅老鼠們會(huì)對(duì)同伴的痛苦做出反應(yīng),而且身邊的老鼠和他們的關(guān)系也很重要。)
  • 5、Once you do this, a new category will show up in the menu.(一旦你這樣做,一個(gè)新的類別會(huì)出現(xiàn)在菜單。)
  • 6、Lucid dreamers do it with great relish, and I'll show you a way you can do it, too, at the end of this piece.(神志清醒的做夢(mèng)者從中獲得了巨大的享受,我會(huì)在本文末尾向你展示你也可以做到的方法。)
  • 7、Say Thanks: Showing your appreciation to your partner for all that they do is a great way to show your care.(說謝謝:表現(xiàn)出你對(duì)于你的愛人為你做的一切很感激,是一種很好的表達(dá)關(guān)愛地方法。)
  • 8、Why would gays show more beneficence in arguments, do a worse job ofrepairing after bad fights and find palpitation satisfying?(為什么同志會(huì)在爭執(zhí)中得到更多益處,在糟糕的爭吵之后又很難補(bǔ)救和更期盼心悸的感覺?)
  • 9、What should the rest of the world do? In a show of sympathy the G7 joined the Bank of Japan in selling the yen after it spiked dramatically.(全世界其它國家應(yīng)該怎么做呢?G7在日元大幅升值后聯(lián)手出售日元,表示出對(duì)日本的幫助同情。)
  • 10、Let's do this show tonight and it'll be a great plug, a great promotion.(讓我們今晚進(jìn)行這場演出吧。這將會(huì)是一場盛大而絕妙的宣傳。)
  • 11、If you get a chance to see the show, do go – it's brilliant.(如果你有機(jī)會(huì)去看那場演出,一定要去–它太棒了。)
  • 12、The show also offers Chinese car makers a chance to show the world what they can do.(在車展上,中國的汽車生產(chǎn)商也有機(jī)會(huì)向世界展示它們的能力。)
  • 13、But if Netflix wants to stream a film or a TV show it must do a separate deal with the company that produced it.(但是如果網(wǎng)飛公司想把電影或電視節(jié)目壓縮成視頻流,它就必須和制作公司簽訂一個(gè)單獨(dú)的協(xié)議。)
  • 14、So what can designers do to show clients they're using a solid strategy and have the best intentions?(對(duì)此,設(shè)計(jì)師該如何向客戶展示,他們正在執(zhí)行中的堅(jiān)實(shí)戰(zhàn)略以及恰到好處的目標(biāo)?)
  • 15、What would I have a woman do to show me love?(為了表現(xiàn)我的愛,我會(huì)讓一個(gè)女人做什么呢?)
  • 16、Try to replicate this by finding things to do together such as watching a TV show or movie simultaneously.(你們也要嘗試著這樣做,盡量找點(diǎn)可以一起做的事情,比如看一樣的電視節(jié)目或電影。)
  • 17、I'm not quite sure where this term originated and I really don't understand why you would tell someone that before going out todo a show.(不是很確定這個(gè)術(shù)語的來歷,不知道為什么有人可以在演出出發(fā)前告訴別人。)
  • 18、People will do anything to see a free show — even if it is a bad one.(人們總要想盡辦法看不花錢的演出——哪怕是拙劣的演出。)
  • 19、If you have no screenshots to show, do not put a screenshots link.(如果沒有截圖展示,不要放截圖鏈接。)
  • 20、I've compiled a short list of simple little things that you could do everyday to show a little self-love.(我曾整理過一個(gè)清單,都是一些簡單的小事,你可以每天做一點(diǎn),展現(xiàn)對(duì)自己的小小愛護(hù)。)
  • 21、So, we decided todo a show on the earthquake, and to also making the cranes, the origami cranes.(所以,我們決定做一期地震專題,同時(shí)也折一些紙鶴。)
  • 22、30 PM - if you skip the theater, or later, if you do catch a show, have a drink at the revolving bar at the New York Marriott Marquis in Times Square.(30pm——如果你跳過劇院,那你遲早還是會(huì)再去的,如果你看了場演出,那你可以在時(shí)代廣場上的紐約萬豪伯爵酒店的旋轉(zhuǎn)酒吧里喝點(diǎn)東西。)
  • 23、You wanted to see WHO in a better position to measure and show results and do a better job of communicating the nature and impact of its work.(你們希望世衛(wèi)組織能夠更好地衡量和展示成果,并能更好地傳達(dá)其工作的性質(zhì)和作用。)
  • 24、I do not like to make a show of myself before strangers.(我不喜歡在陌生人面前炫耀自己。)
  • 25、To do so, a party must show that irreparable harm would result unless the activity is stopped.(如果要這樣做,一方必須證明若該行為不被制止將導(dǎo)致不可修復(fù)的危害。)
  • 26、Are you going todo a show about Halloween?(你們準(zhǔn)備做一個(gè)關(guān)于萬圣節(jié)前夕的表演嗎?------------------------------------------------------------------…)
  • 27、But the surveys also show that many countries could do a lot more to accommodate entrepreneurs.(不過,調(diào)研也顯示,許多國家在扶持創(chuàng)業(yè)方面還有待加強(qiáng)。)

do a show基本釋義

do a show

英 [du: ? ??u] 美 [du e ?o] 
