
do some cleaning造句

do some cleaning造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:48:24


do some cleaning造句

  • 1、On weekends, I would rather stay at home anddo some cleaning and reading.(周末,我寧愿呆在家里洗洗衣服、看看書(shū)。)
  • 2、And we shoulddo some cleaning often.(我們應(yīng)該經(jīng)常做一些清理。)
  • 3、I told her I was fine, that I had some cleaning up to do.(我告訴她我很好,只是想打掃一下房間。)
  • 4、You could helpdo some cleaning at home on Sundays.(星期天你可以在家?guī)椭驋咝l(wèi)生。)
  • 5、I usuallydo some cleaning on Saturday.(我通常在星期六打掃衛(wèi)生。)
  • 6、I willdo some cleaning and do some washing with my mother at home.(我會(huì)做一些清潔和我的母親在家里做一些洗滌。)
  • 7、do some cleaning.(做一些清潔。)
  • 8、I willdo some cleaning in my house but not for me.(我要打掃打掃衛(wèi)生,家里的,不是我的。)
  • 9、I alsodo some cleaning and cooking at the weekend.(在周末,我也做清潔和做飯。)
  • 10、Let Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith come down anddo some cleaning work.(讓約翰和斯密斯下來(lái)做些清潔工作。)
  • 11、We'll have todo some cleaning tomorrow.(明天我們不得不進(jìn)行大掃除。)
  • 12、We oftendo some cleaning on Friday afternoon.(禮拜五下午我們經(jīng)常做掃除。)
  • 13、We're todo some cleaning this afternoon.(今天下午我們計(jì)劃搞大掃除。)
  • 14、Today Ido some cleaning in the morning.(今天早上,我搞了下衛(wèi)生。)
  • 15、Wedo some cleaning to (sweep) get rid of bad luck before Spring Festival.(我們春節(jié)前做掃除,是為了掃走不好的運(yùn)氣。)
  • 16、My wife and I do some house cleaning the whole morning.(我妻子和我搞了整整一上午的清潔衛(wèi)生。)
  • 17、Let's say you want to do some house-cleaning and delete an image.(我們假設(shè)您想要進(jìn)行一些清理并刪除一張圖像。)
  • 18、Does she help youdo some cleaning on Saturday?(她在周六幫你打掃衛(wèi)生嗎?) Hao86.com
  • 19、It's necessary todo some cleaning every day.(每天做掃除很必要。)

do some cleaning基本釋義