
do some reading造句

do some reading造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:48:23


do some reading造句

  • 1、He likes todo some reading at the moring.(他喜歡在早上做些朗讀。)
  • 2、No, I'd ratherdo some reading for class. I don't like baseball.(不了。我寧愿讀讀課文,我不喜歡看棒球。)
  • 3、I need todo some reading.(我必須去閱讀。)
  • 4、I think I'll stay home anddo some reading.(我想我將呆在家里讀一些書。)
  • 5、Stop messing about, boys! I'm trying todo some reading.(孩子們,別瞎鬧,我想看一會(huì)兒書。)
  • 6、My teacher often tells us todo some reading after school .(我的老師經(jīng)常告訴我們放學(xué)后要讀書。)
  • 7、In preparation for lectures, I urge you todo some reading.(為了上課做準(zhǔn)備,我強(qiáng)烈要求你們閱讀這些。)
  • 8、I alwaysdo some reading before go to bed.(上床睡覺前我總是做一些閱讀。)
  • 9、When-ever he had time, he woulddo some reading.(他壹有時(shí)間,就會(huì)讀點(diǎn)書。)
  • 10、Did Ido some reading today?(今天我閱讀了嗎?)
  • 11、Before I go to bed, I willdo some reading or listen to some music.(在我上床睡覺之前,我會(huì)看一下書或聽一下音樂。) hAo86.com
  • 12、We can borrow books anddo some reading in the library.(在圖書館,我們可以借書,可以閱讀。)
  • 13、It's better todo some reading on rainy days.(雨天讀書再好不過了。)
  • 14、I like to get up early anddo some reading aloud.(我習(xí)慣每天早晨早早起來,大聲朗讀。)
  • 15、This evening I'll stay at home anddo some reading.(今晚我要呆在家里看點(diǎn)書。)
  • 16、I would ratherdo some reading at home than go shopping with them.(與其和他們?nèi)ベ徫铮业箤幵噶粼诩依镒x點(diǎn)書。)
  • 17、Every week, except for the last one I expect you todo some reading.(除了最后一周的其他每周,我希望你們可以讀書。)
  • 18、I want todo some reading when he must turn up the radio.(我想看點(diǎn)書而他偏偏把收音機(jī)音量開大。)
  • 19、But, before you work out for the first time, youdo some reading.(但是,在你工作的第一次了,你做一些閱讀。)
  • 20、He likes todo some reading on Sunday.(星期天,他喜歡讀點(diǎn)書。)
  • 21、When you have time, you shoulddo some reading.(當(dāng)你有時(shí)間的時(shí)候,你應(yīng)該進(jìn)行一些閱讀。)

do some reading基本釋義
