
distance runner造句

distance runner造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:48:37


distance runner造句

  • 1、Your opinion though, is rather like the opinion of a long-distance runner who has finally made it past the winning post.(你的感覺很象一個長跑運動員終于跑過了終點。) Hao86.com
  • 2、If adistance runner practices speed work for the whole practice every day, he will not improve his endurance.(如果一名中長跑選手每天只進行速度練習,那么他將不能提高自己的耐力。)
  • 3、He is a long-distance runner.(他是一個長跑選手。)
  • 4、The country's great long-distance runner, Kenenisa Bekele, ran down an Eritrean rival to win gold in the world athletics championships.(首先是該國最偉大的長跑選手貝克勒終于戰(zhàn)勝厄立特里亞宿敵,封冠世錦賽。)
  • 5、The Afghan middle-distance runner nonetheless trekked on and was on the verge of realizing her Olympic dream.(這位阿富汗中長跑選手并未為此所動,她堅持鍛煉,她的奧運夢也快要實現(xiàn)了。)
  • 6、I remember, in the school, I took part in every sports competition, as a long-distance runner and a sprinter. but now I can not. maybe I am too old to run.(或者跑步回家,當鍛煉身體啦,馬拉松不就是這樣跑出來的?哈哈。記得學校里時,偶可是長跑短跑的能手,每次運動會,老師都會叫偶參加的,可是現(xiàn)在不行了了,老了。)
  • 7、In the late 1950s, Philip Knight was a middle-distance runner on the University of Oregon track team, coached by Bill Bowerman.(在20世紀50年代末,菲利普·奈特是俄勒岡大學田徑隊的一名中長跑運動員,他的教練是比爾·鮑爾曼。)
  • 8、He is a very good middle and longdistance runner.(他是非常優(yōu)秀的中長跑運動員。)
  • 9、If they train as hard, shouldn't a truedistance runner be given the opportunity to use their strengths to drop a true middle-distance runner before it's time to kick?(如果他們訓練的強度夠大,當比賽開始前難道不是一個真正的長跑運動員通過給予的機會并利用自己的優(yōu)勢贏了一個真正的中長跑選手?)
  • 10、You will become a great athlete at running 1 to 2 miles at LT pace, but as adistance runner you need to maintain a quality pace for much longer distances.(用乳酸閾配速跑1至2英里,你會是一個優(yōu)秀的運動員,但作為一個長跑者,你需要在更長的距離上保持有質(zhì)量的配速。)
  • 11、The Ethiopian runner Kenenisa Bekele has confirmed his position as the world's best middledistance runner winning his fourth consecutive World Championship gold in the 10,000 meters.(埃塞俄比亞田徑選手KenenisaBekele連續(xù)奪得了第四枚10,000米世界錦標賽金牌,奠定了其世界最佳長跑運動員的地位。)
  • 12、The event requires both speed and endurance. I personally consider him as a sprinter . Other people consider him as a middledistance runner.(這個項目既需要速度又需要耐力,我個人認為他是短跑運動員,而有人認為他是中距離跑運動員。)
  • 13、That longdistance runner soon pulled up with the others.(那位長跑運動員很快趕上了其他人。)
  • 14、The subjects followed the runner at a distance of 30 feet and had to count the number of times he touched his head.(受試人員與逃犯有30英尺的距離,而且需要計算他碰觸了多少次他的腦袋。)
  • 15、Haile Gebreslassie from Ethiopia is widely recognized as the greatestdistance runner of all time.(埃塞俄比亞的海爾·格布雷西亞西耶是被廣泛認可的有史以來最出色的長跑選手。)
  • 16、She excels as a long-distance runner.(她是個出色的長跑運動員。)
  • 17、The long-distance runner was dead beat as he crossed the finishing line.(長跑運動員在沖過終點線時已筋疲力盡。)
  • 18、Both of these definitions relate to distance running because one thing thedistance runner needs to be able to do is to develop what is known as a speed reserve.(這兩種定義都和長跑有關(guān),因為長跑者要做的一件事就是提高所謂的速度儲備。)
  • 19、I am a long-distance runner, not a sprinter.(我是長跑運動員,不是短跑運動員。)
  • 20、Your goal as adistance runner should be to consistently hydrate yourself during both warm and cold weather so that you never become thirsty.(作為長跑選手,你的目標就是讓你在炎熱和寒冷的天氣下不斷的喝水,讓你不會口渴。)
  • 21、An event for the long-distance stairway runner also takes place in Radebeul, Germany, where competitors run up 397 stairs 100 times to equal the height of Mt Everest.(德國拉德·博伊爾還舉行了距離最長的爬樓梯的比賽,397級樓梯,參賽者們爬了100趟,相當于珠穆朗瑪峰的高度。)
  • 22、The short -distance runner wishes he could run as fast as the ostrich.(這位短跑運動員真希望自己能跑得像駝鳥一樣快。)
  • 23、Haile Gebrselassie from Ethiopia is widely recognized as the greatestdistance runner of all time.(來自埃塞俄比亞的海里。哥卜斯拉塞被廣泛認為水整個時期最偉大的長跑運動員。)
  • 24、Middledistance runner Martin Jones gained some Olympic experience in 2000.(中跑選手馬丁·瓊斯在2000年取得了一些奧運會經(jīng)驗。)
  • 25、For a middledistance runner, a combination of strength, endurance and speed is required.(中距離跑運動員需要把力量,耐力,速度很好地結(jié)合起來。)
  • 26、By Changchun middle school elite middledistance runner increment load test, we get the maximum oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold and the corresponding speed, heart rate.(對長春市中學優(yōu)秀男子中長跑運動員進行遞增負荷測試,得到其最大攝氧量和無氧閾及其對應的速度、心率。)
  • 27、But to everyone's surprise, Terry Fox made up his mind to become a long-distance runner and do something about the cancer.(但令每個人驚訝的是,特里??怂箾Q心成為一名長跑運動員,為戰(zhàn)勝癌癥做些什么。)
  • 28、The men's marathon world record holder and celebrateddistance runner, Haile Gebrselassie, says he's retiring from athletics.(男子馬拉松世界紀錄保持者,著名的長跑運動員,HaileGebrselassie將要從田徑運動上退休。)

distance runner基本釋義