
down payment造句

down payment造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:48:10


down payment造句

  • 1、Hence, many people are unable to save money for adown payment.(因此,很多人都不能省錢的首期。)
  • 2、so you'll have to figure on at least at a 25%-28%down payment .(因此,您必須計(jì)劃支付至少25%—28%的定金。)
  • 3、In order to hold your reservation, Ill need a 10%down payment up front.(為了保留你預(yù)定的東西,我要先收10%的定金。)
  • 4、You may have to pay a higher interest rate and a biggerdown payment upfront.(你可能要付出更高的利率和首付更大放在首位。)
  • 5、Are you prepared to make a ten percentdown payment?(你準(zhǔn)備好付百分之十的定金了嗎?) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 6、Pre-shipment sample will be made available on receipt ofdown payment.(在收到定金的情況下,可以得到裝船前的樣品。)
  • 7、It can take several months before payment missteps actually drive down a credit score.(數(shù)個(gè)月前未能還款才真正使信用積分下降。)
  • 8、This is hardly enough to make a make adown payment on a car.(這不夠用來支付購買汽車的首期付款。)
  • 9、What you gave me was adown payment.(你剛才給我的是訂金。)
  • 10、How much is thedown payment?(首期租金是多少?)
  • 11、We require a one-fifthdown payment, and you'll pay the balance in six months.(首期我們要收五分之一,其余的分六個(gè)月付清。)
  • 12、But the $30,000down payment was still well out of reach.(他們提出幫助,但想達(dá)到$30,000的頭款仍然是水中撈月。)
  • 13、It will continue to provide somewhere around 15% of new home buyers lowerdown payment mortgages.(他會(huì)為大約15%的初次購房者提供比較低首付的住房貸款。)
  • 14、Start working on receipt ofdown payment!(收到定金后才開始工作!)
  • 15、According to the deposit penalty, Chen can claim to wear a doubledown payment.(根據(jù)定金罰責(zé),陳某可向戴某主張雙倍償還定金。)
  • 16、We are saving for adown payment on a house.(我們正攢錢支付買房的首付金。)
  • 17、Ms. Bond had used $38,000 of it as adown payment on a house.(邦德女士用了其中的38,000美元作為房子首付。)
  • 18、But l don't have enough cash today. Can l make adown payment?(可是我今天沒帶夠錢。我能先付訂金嗎?。)
  • 19、When my kids buy a house, they won't just need adown payment.(當(dāng)我的孩子買房時(shí),他們不僅僅需要首付款。)
  • 20、You can save thedown payment over three years.(用三年﹐你就可以存下首期付款。)
  • 21、It will affect the type of loan available,down payment required, and interest rate charged.(它會(huì)影響類型的貸款,首期需要,而利率收取。)
  • 22、If you really want the mortgage, you can offer to make largerdown payment.(如果你真想抵押,你可以邁得更大首期。)

down payment基本釋義

down payment

英 [daun ?peim?nt] 美 [da?n ?pem?nt] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):down payments

na.預(yù)付定金; 分期付款的首次交款
