
double up造句

double up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:48:11


double up造句

  • 1、Because of the housing shortage many couples had todouble up in one tiny apartment.(由于住房緊張,許多對夫妻只好擠在一棟小公寓里。)
  • 2、We should try todouble up the amount of intimacy we have in marriage.(我們應(yīng)當(dāng)努力讓我們婚姻中的親密之量翻倍。)
  • 3、We'll have todouble up on books; there aren't enough to go around.(因為書不夠人手一冊,我們只好合用了。)
  • 4、We shall have todouble up the sheets to get them in the drawer.(我們得把這些被單折疊起來才能放進(jìn)抽屜里。)
  • 5、You may notdouble up on Sagas, although Special Characters do not count towards this.(你不可以疊加傳說,特殊人物不在此例。)
  • 6、Tens of thousands of families were forced todouble up in homes and apartments.(多少萬家庭被迫和別人擠住在一間住宅或公寓內(nèi)。)
  • 7、Jeff: If you were smart you would celebrate both new years so you coulddouble up on the number of parties.(杰夫:如果你聰明你就會慶祝兩個新年,這樣你就可以參加雙倍的派對!)
  • 8、The carpet is too thick todouble up.(地毯太厚,折不起來。) hAo86.com
  • 9、Walls were replaced by a series of timber structures, whichdouble up as shelving and storage units.(墻體被一系列木結(jié)構(gòu)所代替,并對折起來作為架子和儲藏空間。)
  • 10、Tom and Bill willdouble up in room 20.(湯姆和比爾住二十號房間。)
  • 11、If you candouble up on seating and storage, all the better.(如果您可以更好的,增加座位和儲存空間。)
  • 12、The lids of the casserole dishes are designed todouble up as baking dishes.(這些砂鍋蓋子的設(shè)計使它們可以兼作烤盤。)
  • 13、You candouble up on as many days as you want. Just spend at least two weeks at each stage before adding more miles.(你可以隨心所欲地增加你倍加訓(xùn)練的天數(shù),但在增加里程前,每一階段至少要保持兩周的時間。)
  • 14、Can youdouble up and get great right away?(您能否周里程翻一番,立即變得強(qiáng)大無比?)
  • 15、The individual tents thatdouble up as cloaks are used a mattresses and the greatcoats are the blankets.(單獨的帳篷被兩兩拼起來當(dāng)作通鋪的床墊而軍大衣就是毯子。)
  • 16、Some CARDS and phones alsodouble up as employee ID badges and allow purchases at canteens, nearby restaurants and vending machines.(有些卡和電話同員工的ID卡一樣還可以捆綁在一起,并且可以在零售店、鄰近餐館和自動販賣機(jī)進(jìn)行消費(fèi)。)
  • 17、One suggestion is todouble up on the chocolate truffles and get 2 for $44.85, a true upsell.(其中一個推薦是指買2盒truffles巧克力只要44.85美元(譯者注:單盒29.95美元),這確實是向上銷售。)
  • 18、They only have one room left: you'll have todouble up with Peter.(他們只剩下一個房間,你只好與彼得合住了。)
  • 19、But Mr. Young murmured, "Let's justdouble up tomorrow," and went back to sleep.(但是楊先生喃喃地說道,“讓我們明天翻倍吧,”然后,繼續(xù)睡覺了。)
  • 20、The gas pistons enable the bed todouble up as a computer table.(氣體活塞可以把床鋪折疊起來成為一張電腦桌。)
  • 21、Alternatively, most in-room televisions alsodouble up as an alarm clock.(另外,大部分的房間電視,也應(yīng)該設(shè)有鬧鈴功能。)
  • 22、If you run 20 miles now, and want todouble up, it will only take you about two months.(如果您現(xiàn)在每周跑20英里,打算翻一番,您需要花費(fèi)2個月時間。)

double up基本釋義

double up

英 [?d?bl ?p] 美 [?d?b?l ?p] 
同宿一屋; 把 ... 對折; 彎著身子
