
dragon dance造句

dragon dance造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:48:05


dragon dance造句

  • 1、Young men would highlight the parade with adragon dance.(年輕人會(huì)強(qiáng)調(diào)燈展和舞龍一起舉行。)
  • 2、The exclusive performance of lion dance,dragon dance and Chinese martial arts were also presented, which drew high praise from the audience.(主辦方還安排了舞龍、舞獅和中華武術(shù)絕活等精彩表演,引得觀眾連連叫好,嘖嘖贊賞。)
  • 3、In many areas the highlight of the Lantern Festival is thedragon dance.(在許多地區(qū),舞龍是元宵節(jié)最精彩的部分。%。)
  • 4、Dragon also known as "Fire dragon", which is the most widely popular as adragon dance.(龍燈也稱“火龍”,這是流行最為廣泛的一種龍舞。)
  • 5、dragon dance at first is believed to be part of the farming culture and also a method of prevention and cure.(人們認(rèn)為舞龍一開始是農(nóng)耕文化的組成部分,起初也是治病和防病的一種方法。)
  • 6、The story spread among the people, then every Spring thedragon dance was played to pray for rain to produce good crops.(這個(gè)故事在民間傳播開了,每年春天都會(huì)舞龍,以祈求來年有好收成。)
  • 7、Thedragon dance spectacle was a feature of the closing ceremony of the fifth Conference of World Buddhist Sangha Youth.(此舞龍奇景是第五屆世界佛教青年僧伽會(huì)議閉幕式的一個(gè)特色。)
  • 8、China is home to thedragon dance and Lion Dance.(中國是龍獅運(yùn)動(dòng)的發(fā)源地。)
  • 9、There are lots of lanterns and there's adragon dance.(有血多的燈籠還有舞龍表演。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 10、When thedragon dance time is coming, people often ask actor to dance in their home.(舞龍燈的季節(jié),人們會(huì)請(qǐng)人到家里來舞一回。)
  • 11、He is the most lively,dragon dance, lion dance dragon is made of cloth, some with ten men dance, in front of the tap is a beads.(他別是舞龍、舞獅最熱鬧,龍是花布做的,有的用十個(gè)人舞,龍頭前面有一顆珠子。)
  • 12、They are learning adragon dance with my grandpa.(他們正在跟我祖父學(xué)習(xí)舞龍。)
  • 13、Here for dancers with a wooden hand-held. Long before there is a command and staff give a red silk beaddragon dance.(下面裝有供舞者手持的木柄。龍前還有一人手舉紅色綢珠指揮龍舞。)
  • 14、Thedragon dance and Lion Dance are traditionally performed during the festival.(耍龍燈和舞獅子是春節(jié)期間的傳統(tǒng)項(xiàng)目。)
  • 15、Certainly, each place has its local activities, like Lion Dance ordragon dance.(當(dāng)然各個(gè)地方都有當(dāng)?shù)氐奈膴驶顒?dòng),比如獅子舞、龍燈舞等。)
  • 16、After a while, see ocean's folded thedragon dance.(過了一會(huì)兒,只見舞龍的人疊起了羅漢。)
  • 17、Playing dragon, also known as thedragon dance ordragon dance.(耍龍燈,也稱舞龍燈或龍舞。)
  • 18、Thedragon dance is often performed during the Chinese New Year period.(舞龍通常會(huì)在中國新年期間舉行。)
  • 19、The Chinesedragon dance has become a popular feature during celebraitions, and other important events.(中國舞龍已經(jīng)成為慶典活動(dòng)及其他重要場合慶典的一個(gè)典型特色。)
  • 20、dragon dance is a Chinese traditional national sport.(舞龍是中華民族傳統(tǒng)的體育活動(dòng)之一。)
  • 21、Rhythms of thedragon dance can best show its beauty.(舞龍運(yùn)動(dòng)中的節(jié)奏是舞龍美得以充分展現(xiàn)的重要因素之一。)
  • 22、dragon dance is traditional folk sports activities in China.(舞龍活動(dòng)是中國的民間傳統(tǒng)體育活動(dòng)。)
  • 23、Theedragon dance has diversified models and forms.(舞龍有各種各樣的模式和形式。)
  • 24、Thedragon dance , accordingly, has been elevated from asking for God and rain to expressing people's courage, pride and wisdom.(據(jù)說,舞龍已經(jīng)從請(qǐng)求上帝降雨轉(zhuǎn)變成了人們表達(dá)勇氣,驕傲和智慧的方式了。)
  • 25、dragon dance and lanterns too.(舞龍和燈籠也是的。)

dragon dance基本釋義