
dragon dances造句

dragon dances造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:48:05


dragon dances造句

  • 1、What else ___ you ___ (do)? -i ____ (watch) the fireworks anddragon dances in.(你還做了什么?-我在街上觀看了煙花和舞龍。)
  • 2、Ago, people mainly is to look at the lanterns anddragon dances, fireworks, now people can watch the fireworks also become one of the ways of celebration.(以前,人們主要是看花燈與舞龍,現(xiàn)在燃放煙花,人們觀看煙花也就成為慶祝節(jié)日的方式之一了。)
  • 3、Here in London, as in Edinburgh, Manchester, Liverpool, and many other cities, people are decorating their homes and streets with colourful lanterns and celebrating with dragon and lion dances.(無論是倫敦,還是愛丁堡、曼徹斯特和利物浦,各地張燈結彩,舞龍戲獅,普天共慶,四海同春。)
  • 4、Playingdragon dances in the spring will hopefully bring people favorable weather;(春天玩舞龍是希望人們帶來有利的氣候。)
  • 5、It includes a variety of performances such as the dragon and lion dances, yangko (a popular rural folk dance), and performers on stilts.(社火表演形式多種多樣,包括舞龍舞獅、扭秧歌、踩高蹺等。社火中最具表現(xiàn)力的是高臺。)
  • 6、During the process of inheritance, folk dances like the straw-dragon dance, rolling-lamp dance and water-clan dances have been formed.(在傳承過程中,形成了草龍舞、滾燈舞、水族舞等民俗舞蹈。)
  • 7、And I like the dragon and lion dances, too.(我也喜歡看舞龍舞獅子。)
  • 8、A: I prefer to go to thedragon dances.(甲:我更想去看舞龍。)
  • 9、Dragon and phoenix dances are popular at many Chinese festivals, and dragon and phoenix decorations are ubiquitous on Chinese clothing, pottery, and numerous other everyday objects, past and present.(龍鳳舞是中國很多節(jié)日里一個受歡迎的節(jié)目。從古至今,龍鳳裝飾在中國服裝、陶器和無數(shù)其他日用品中隨處可見。) haO86.com
  • 10、Besides water splashing, people also race dragon boats, hold cockfights, perform peacock dances, play bean-bag games, set off firecrackers and illuminate Kongming lanterns.(潑水節(jié)的內(nèi)容,除潑水外,還有賽龍舟、斗雞、跳孔雀舞、丟包、放高升、放孔明燈等活動。)
  • 11、Today is the Lantern Festival, why not go to wach thedragon dances with us?(今天是燈節(jié),為什么不跟我們?nèi)タ次椠埬兀?
  • 12、Throughout Kowloon there are special street markets, extravagant lantern processions (including the world's largest structure made entirely of lanterns) and the famous firedragon dances shows.(整個九龍區(qū)遍布著特別的街邊市場,還會上演華美的彩燈游行(包括世界最大的造型燈)和著名的舞火龍表演。)
  • 13、There aredragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together.(他們舞龍燈、狂歡,全家人聚在一起歡慶陰歷年。)
  • 14、The official promotion campaign of the 2010 World Expo was launched in Rome yesterday by Italian and Chinese officials in an opening ceremony featuring traditionaldragon dances.(世博網(wǎng)3月16日消息:“2010中國世博旅游年全球百城世博旅游推廣月”活動15日在意大利首都羅馬舉行啟動儀式。)
  • 15、The "Huobajie" (torch Festival) (June 25) features dragon boat contest, torch performance, Bawangbian and other folk dances.(火把節(jié)“(六月二十五日):賽龍船、?;鸢?、霸王鞭、民族歌舞。”)

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