
electronic engineering造句

electronic engineering造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:47:20


electronic engineering造句

  • 1、He graduated in 1988 and taught English for years at the Hangzhou Institute ofelectronic engineering.(1988年畢業(yè)后,他進入杭州電子工業(yè)學(xué)院,教授了數(shù)年的英語。)
  • 2、Develop, implement and documentelectronic engineering solutions for Diagnostic Cardiology products.(為心臟診斷產(chǎn)品開發(fā)、實現(xiàn)并記錄各電子工程解決方案。)
  • 3、I majored inelectronic engineering in college.(我大學(xué)的專業(yè)是電子工程學(xué)。)
  • 4、I had already got a degree in electrical andelectronic engineering, which is my background.(我已經(jīng)有電子工程的學(xué)位,那是我的背景。)
  • 5、College graduate atelectronic engineering or equivalent, can read and write in English, speak fluently preferred.(大專學(xué)歷,電子工程類專業(yè),能讀寫英語資料,能說流利英語者優(yōu)先考慮。)
  • 6、M. A. /M. S. or above majored inelectronic engineering or RF/microwave.(重點大學(xué)碩士以上學(xué)位,電子工程或射頻與微波專業(yè)。)
  • 7、"Mechatronics" is a term coined by the Japanese to describe the integration of mechanical andelectronic engineering .(譯文:“機電一體化“是一個有日本人描述機械和電子集成的合成術(shù)語。)
  • 8、Bachelor's degree with major in Electrical orelectronic engineering.(電氣或電子工程專業(yè)本科學(xué)歷。)
  • 9、Like a true technologist, the things that interest him most lie at the bleeding edge ofelectronic engineering.(就像一個真正技術(shù)專家,他對于這些問題的興趣已經(jīng)處在電子工程學(xué)的最前沿。)
  • 10、Based on electrical andelectronic engineering practice, this article constructed a new innovative teaching mode.(以電工電子學(xué)實習(xí)為平臺,構(gòu)建了創(chuàng)新性實習(xí)教學(xué)的新模式。) haO86.com
  • 11、My field iselectronic engineering.(我研究的領(lǐng)域是電子工程。)
  • 12、I am a recent graduate of Qinghua University with a degree inelectronic engineering.(我剛從清華大學(xué)畢業(yè),有電子工程的學(xué)位。)
  • 13、SETTING:electronic engineering Department and Brain Scientific Research Center, Fudan University.(單位:復(fù)旦大學(xué)電子工程系和復(fù)旦大學(xué)腦科學(xué)研究中心。)
  • 14、I switched toelectronic engineering.(我轉(zhuǎn)到了電子工程。)
  • 15、In sales, after-sales service,electronic engineering, and so on, have a good quality of service.(在銷售、售后服務(wù)、電子工程等方面,有著很好的服務(wù)質(zhì)量。)
  • 16、College of Physics and Technology: Physics, Applied Physics, Material Physics,electronic engineering.(物理科學(xué)與技術(shù)學(xué)院:物理學(xué)、應(yīng)用物理學(xué)、材料物理、電子科學(xué)與技術(shù)。)
  • 17、Bachelor or above, major inelectronic engineering or related.(本科或以上,電子工程或相關(guān)專業(yè)。)
  • 18、So I studied in theelectronic engineering but focused on computer option.(因此我選修了電氣工程專業(yè),偏向計算機方向。)
  • 19、This paper expounds its application in theelectronic engineering teaching.(本文論述了“項目導(dǎo)入法”在電工電子教學(xué)中的具體應(yīng)用。)
  • 20、We now have, for example, nuclear, petroleum, aerospace, andelectronic engineering.(例如,我們現(xiàn)有核工程、石化工程、航空航天工程以及電子工程等。)
  • 21、Single Chip Microcomputer is an important course for students who specilize inelectronic engineering.(《單片機原理及應(yīng)用》是電子類專業(yè)的一門重要課程。)
  • 22、W: My field iselectronic engineering. Which country do you think I should go?(W:我所學(xué)的領(lǐng)域是電子工程學(xué),您覺得我該去哪個國家學(xué)習(xí)?)
  • 23、My field iselectronic engineering. Which country do you think I should go?(我所學(xué)的領(lǐng)域是電子工程學(xué),您覺得我該去哪個國家學(xué)習(xí)?)

electronic engineering基本釋義
