
Elephant Trunk Hill造句

Elephant Trunk Hill造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:47:18


Elephant Trunk Hill造句

  • 1、Local: in Guilin, there are three very famous mountains: the Piled Festoon Hill, Fubo Hill and theElephant Trunk Hill you just saw.(當(dāng)?shù)厝耍涸谖覀児鹆?,有三座山特別出名,分別是疊彩山、伏波山和你剛才看到的象鼻山。)
  • 2、Elephant Trunk Hill is so named because it looks like a giant elephant drinking water with its trunk on the Li River bank.(它看起來(lái)就像一只巨大得大象在漓江河畔用鼻子吸著河水,因此而得名——象鼻山。)
  • 3、It is theElephant Trunk Hill. It looks like an elephant drinking water with its long trunk.(那是象鼻山,看起來(lái)像一頭正用鼻子吸水的大象。)
  • 4、As soon as I left the station, a few minutes' bus ride took me to the "Hill of Elephant Trunk".(在我走出車站后,幾分鐘后,坐上了去“象山”的車。)
  • 5、Camel Hill looks to my eye like a fist, closed except for a thumb pointing to the sky, whileElephant Trunk Hill looks like a simple arch.(在我看來(lái),駱駝山就像一只四指朝天的拳頭,而象鼻山看起來(lái)像是一座簡(jiǎn)陋的拱橋。)
  • 6、The Hill of Elephant Trunk is very big and really like an elephant drinking water.(象山非常的大而且很想一頭大象在河里飲水。) hAo86.com
  • 7、Of the hills of Guilin, the most famous are Solitary Beauty Peak, Folded Colours hill,Elephant Trunk Hill, Seven Star hill and Camel hill.(桂林的著名山峰有獨(dú)秀峰、疊彩山、伏波山、象鼻山、七星山和駱駝山等。)
  • 8、In the following 5 days, you will see Reed Flute Cave, Li River,Elephant Trunk Hill, Shilin, Dragon Gate, Lake Erhai, Three Pagodas, Naxi-Lijiang and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.(在接下來(lái)的5天行程中,你將參觀里海,象鼻山,石林,龍門,洱海,三塔,納西-麗江和玉龍雪山。)
  • 9、The xiangshan also calledElephant Trunk Hill, because it resembles a giant elephant is the river water.(象山也叫象鼻山,因?yàn)樗笠粋€(gè)巨大的大象是河水。)
  • 10、There is a water moon cave between the elephant trunk and the legs, which is like a bright moon floating on the water. This is the famous scene "Water Moon of Elephant Hill".(在象鼻與象腿之間有一水月洞,有如一輪明月靜浮水上,形成著名的“象山水月”。)
  • 11、B: it is theElephant Trunk Hill. It looks like an elephant drinking water with its long trunk.(B:那是象鼻山,看起來(lái)像一頭正用鼻子吸水的大象。)
  • 12、The first place that they visited in Guilin wasElephant Trunk Hill.(在桂林他們所參觀的第一個(gè)處所是象鼻山。)

Elephant Trunk Hill基本釋義

