
eat dinner造句

eat dinner造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:47:35


eat dinner造句

  • 1、It's romantic — but commonplace — toeat dinner by candlelight.(吃燭光晚餐即浪漫又平常。)
  • 2、Ieat dinner every day.(我每天都吃晚飯。)
  • 3、I usuallyeat dinner early.(平常我都是很早就吃晚飯。)
  • 4、Evening, weeat dinner together.(晚上,我們一同吃晚餐。)
  • 5、After that, Ieat dinner.(在那以后,我吃晚飯。)
  • 6、Let's go toeat dinner!(我們?nèi)コ酝盹埌桑?
  • 7、At night weeat dinner.(晚上我們吃晚飯。)
  • 8、Theyeat dinner late here.Take a shower.(這里晚飯開得晚。洗得淋浴吧。)
  • 9、Before Ieat dinner, I usually eat some soup first.(吃飯前我通常先喝點湯。)
  • 10、We would alwayseat dinner together, watch movies, and sometimes go camping.(我們經(jīng)常一起享受晚餐,一起看電影,有時還一起去野營。)
  • 11、Let'seat dinner at the plant's canteen.(一起去工廠食堂用餐吧。)
  • 12、If you're hungry, we caneat dinner now.(如果你餓了,我們現(xiàn)在就去吃飯。)
  • 13、It's time toeat dinner.(到了吃晚飯的時間了。)
  • 14、Weeat dinner at 8:00.(我們在八點吃晚飯。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 15、I think I've laughed so much I can'teat dinner.(他讓我笑得晚飯都不用吃了。)
  • 16、Ieat dinner at about 7 o'clock.(我大概7點吃晚飯。)
  • 17、By the way, Rumei, what time do you want toeat dinner?(順便問一句,如梅,你想什么時候吃晚飯?)
  • 18、Where do you want toeat dinner?(你想去哪里吃晚餐?)
  • 19、Mom, when are we going toeat dinner?(媽媽,我們什么時候吃晚飯???)
  • 20、People usuallyeat dinner at night.(人們通常晚上吃晚餐。)
  • 21、We beseech thee to comeeat dinner with us.(我們懇求你來和我們一起吃晚飯。)
  • 22、This clock says it is time toeat dinner.(這個時鐘說到時間吃晚飯了。)
  • 23、But hey, leaving work at five o' clock means Ieat dinner with my family.(不過,嘿,5點鐘就下班,意味著我可以和家人一起吃晚飯啦。)
  • 24、You did noteat dinner.(你沒吃晚餐。)
  • 25、Before Ieat dinner, I always read the newspaper for a while.(我吃飯前總是先看會兒報紙。)
  • 26、Yes, let'seat dinner.(是的,一起去吃晚餐吧。)
  • 27、Is it O.K. toeat dinner with people who are eating meat?(可以和正吃肉的人一起進(jìn)餐嗎?)

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