
end table造句

end table造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:47:06


end table造句

  • 1、At the end of the table, add a row containing the total cost of the order.(在表的末尾,添加一個包含訂單的總成本的行。)
  • 2、Please place a chair at each end of the table.(請在桌子的兩端各放一把椅子。)
  • 3、You can download them from the table at the end of this article.(您可以在這篇文章末尾的表格中下載。)
  • 4、Alice said indignantly, and she sat down in a large arm-chair at one end of the table.(愛麗絲氣憤地說著,在桌子一頭的大扶手椅上坐了下來。)
  • 5、This is my room. There is a air-conditioner, a closet, a bed and aend table.(這是我的房間,有空調,有柜子,有床,還有床頭柜。)
  • 6、Is there a mirror on theend table? No.(床頭柜上有一面鏡子嗎?不,沒有。)
  • 7、His fingers are hooked softly round the table-end, like a cat about to pounce.(他的手指靠著桌沿略微蜷曲,看似一只要猛撲上去的貓。)
  • 8、There is a phone on theend table.(在床頭柜上有一部電話。)
  • 9、However, after I watched theend table tennis match in Croatia. I saw he has sharp eyes, I feel he is tough to table tennis.(然而在看了殺神克羅地亞的決賽時,我看到他犀利的眼神,對乒乓球充滿了執(zhí)著。)
  • 10、At the far end of our table, a woman chops pork fat into big chunks and tosses them into a huge wok.(在我們餐桌的另一端,一個女人把豬油切成大塊,扔進一個大鍋里。)
  • 11、Pass the message down to the people at the end of the table.(把這份電報往下傳給坐在桌子末端的人們。)
  • 12、That's his wife sitting at the far end of the table.(坐在桌子遠端的那位就是他妻子。)
  • 13、This avoids the FSCR search entirely, as rows are simply placed immediately at the end of the table.(這樣就完全避免了FSCR搜索,因為只需簡單地將行直接放到表的末尾。)
  • 14、It turns out to be a sort of high-quality, unusually rigorous coffee-table book, designed to be dipped into rather than read from beginning to end.(它其實是一本高質量、異常嚴謹?shù)目Х茸罆瑢懽鞯某踔允亲屪x者大致瀏覽里面的內容,而不是從頭讀到尾。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 15、It employs more than 8, 000 and is known for producing high-end table and dining ware for export to Europe, the United States and Southeast Asia.(該企業(yè)現(xiàn)有八千多名員工,所生產的高端陶瓷餐桌及餐具遠銷到歐美和東南亞,極富盛名。)
  • 16、There is a phone oneend table.(有一部電話機在床頭柜上。)
  • 17、“This isn’t for me,” she said, sliding the whole mess over to my end of the coffee table.(“這不是給我的,”她說,邊說邊把這亂糟糟的一大攤東西從咖啡桌上推到我的面前。)
  • 18、He was sitting at the other end of the table, tight-lipped and angry.(他坐在桌子的另一頭,雙唇緊閉,滿面怒容。)
  • 19、Thisend table does not match the couch beside it.(這個茶幾跟旁邊的這個沙發(fā)不搭配。)
  • 20、I often put my clothes on theend table.(我經常把我的衣服放在茶幾上。)
  • 21、In the wool-carpeted master bedroom, Nicholas's walnutend table accompanies Kollar's linen-upholstered headboard.(在羊毛地毯裝飾的主臥室內,尼古拉斯設計的胡桃木茶幾與科勒設計的亞麻面床頭板相適配。)
  • 22、Pay attention to what you're doing as you place your glasses on theend table.(把注意力放在你把眼鏡擱桌子上時正在做的事情上。)
  • 23、It then runs the same report for the existing data skew estimation and, at the end. drops the copy table.(例程然后會為了進行現(xiàn)有數(shù)據傾斜的估計運行相同的報告并且最后還會丟棄這個副本表。)
  • 24、By now, my sisters have joined me at one end of the table where we pass the apple butter to each other to slather on the warm bread.(每到這時候,我就和姐妹們坐在桌子的一旁,相互傳遞蘋果醬,在熱烘烘的面包上抹上一層。)

end table基本釋義

end table

英 [end ?teibl] 美 [?nd ?teb?l] 
